To follow this tutorial, you need a Clever Cloud account and Clever Tools:
npm i -g clever-tools
clever login
Create a Python application with a FS Bucket:
git clone
cd chromadb-server-example
clever create -t python
clever addon create fs-bucket chromaFS
After FS Bucket deployment, you'll get:
Add-on created successfully!
ID: addon_xxx
Real ID: bucket_yyy
Keep the yyy
part for the next step.
# Add the FS Bucket host to your application, link it to the `/db` folder
# Replace 'yyy' with the real ID part from the previous step
clever env set CC_FS_BUCKET "/"
# Generate a login:password pair, configure it for ChromaDB and add it to your application
# Replace 'admin' with your login and 'password' with your password
clever env set CHROMA_SERVER_AUTHN_PROVIDER "chromadb.auth.basic_authn.BasicAuthenticationServerProvider"
clever env set CHROMA_SERVER_AUTHN_CREDENTIALS $(htpasswd -Bbn admin password)
# Configure the ChromaDB server launch
clever env set CC_RUN_COMMAND "chroma run --host --port 9000 --path db/data"
clever deploy
Once the server is deployed, you can test it with the following Python script:
import os
import chromadb
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from datetime import datetime
from chromadb.config import Settings
chroma_client = chromadb.HttpClient(
# Replace '' with your application host
# You can get the domain of your application with `clever domain` command
collection = chroma_client.create_collection(name="my_collection")
"This is a document about pineapple",
"This is a document about oranges"
ids=["id1", "id2"]
results = collection.query(
query_texts=["This is a query document about hawaii"],
# Uncomment to delete the collection after printing the results
# chroma_client.delete_collection(name="my_collection")
You'll need to export CHROMA_CLIENT_AUTH_CREDENTIALS="admin:password"
with your corresponding login and password before running the script.