Before being able to install and run the app, there are some dependencies you will need setup:
- git
- yarn
- nodeJS
To run with the iOS simulator, you will also need:
- ruby
- cocoapods
- XCode
For Android, you will need
- Java JDK
- Android Studio
git clone [email protected]:Clecotech/imdb_copy.git
yarn global add react-native-cli
yarn install
react-native link
For iOS development, you will also need to install the cocoapod dependencies:
cd ios
pod repo update
pod install
To build and run the iOS app in the simulator
react-native run-ioS
Alternatively, to run the Android version of the app
react-native run-android
If you see the app open on iOS/ANDROID and immediately close, ensure the device/simulator is running iOS/ANDROID.
This may be a problem with dependencies not being correctly linked to the xcode project. To fix, try the following:
cd ios
pod repo update
pod install
cd ..
react-native link