Releases: CleanTalk/joomla3.x-4.x-antispam
Mod. Code. Use const APBCT_CRON_HANDLER__SFW_UPDATE instead common lib modifying.
Mod. Cookie. Detect secure statement for cookies automatically.
Mod. SFW. Remove all the cron jobs and stats if SFW is disabled.
Mod. SFW. Run direct update via const APBCT_SFW_DIRECT_UPDATE
Fix. SFW. Cron updates.
Fix. CleanTalk block. Die page instead of json for sp page builder.
Fix. Common Helper. Function toUTF8() - null object handling added.
Fix. CURL options state returned to the state before common libs updated.
Fix. Helper. Correction of null transmission in preg_match
Fix. Helper. Improved gathering email.
Fix. Integrations. Added exclusion for service request.
Fix. Integrations. Added exclusion for joomshoping login form.
Fix. Search. Updated search handler.
Fix. SendRequest. Excluding event_token from the request
Fix. RemoteCalls. Updated error handler.
Fix. RC. Fixed remote calls flow handler.
Fix. Users checker. Get data on the page direct refresh with checker tab selected.
Fix. Users checker. Wrong accounting of users fixed.
Upd. Alias Class. Backward compatibility for Joomla versions from 5
Fix. Integration. Breezing forms integration fixed.
Fix. Integration. Creative forms. Exclusions by field fixed.
Fix. Exclusions & visible fields get. PHP 8.+ compatibility.
Upd. Settings. Fields exclusions. Link to help added. Notice updated.
Fix. Get fields any. Emails detecting fixed.
Fix. Integration. Validating contact onValidateContact
Fix. Common. Visible fields collecting fixed.
Fix. Integration. Added exclude for calendar request.
Fix. Users checker. Pagination fixed.
Fix. Settings. URL exclusions checking fixed.
Fix. Cron. Added serve buttons to check cron.
Fix. DB. Remove redundant code.
Fix. DB. Remove redundant code.
New. Integration. Custom plugin Register
integration implemented.
Fix. Settings. Getting Access Key message fixed.
Mod. Exclusion. Strict exclusions by defining constant APBCT_EXCLUSION_STRICT_MODE
Fix. PHP 8.2 compatibility.
Fixed SFW updater
Fix. Integration. Updated form submit call. (#26)
Fix. Parameters. Submit time via alt cookies fixed. (#27)
Fix. Settings. Tell other about us
option fixed for J5.
Fix. Admin. Creating users by admin side fixed.
Fix. Settings. Attach JS scripts only in plugin settings page.
Fix. Users checker. Control buttons listeners fixed.
Fix. Parameters. Submit time via alt cookies fixed.
Fix. Integration. Updated form submit call.
Fixed SFW updater
Fix. PHP 8.2 compatibility.
New. Integration. Added ConvertForm.
Fix. Removed unused function.
Fix. Options. Set cookies option modified.
New. Integrations. Added EasySocial.
Ref: Added description for some options, updated styles.
New: Integration. JSN integration added.
New: Added BotDetectorOff mode.
New: Users checker. Updated users checker module added.
Fix: Intergration. SPpagebuilder. Exclude integrated RSforms from ajax response.
Fix: post-url param.
Bot detector library integrated, some plugins/modules integrations implemented, and other minor fixes applied.
- New. Bot detector library integrated.
- New. Integration. EShop integration implemented.
- New. Integration. Creative Contact Form integration added.
- Fix. Integration. Breezing forms integration fixed.
- Fix. Manifest file. Sql schemes directory fixed.
- Fix. Sql schema. Table cleantalk_ua_bl added to the install/uninstall scripts.
- Fix. User and comments spam check request data overwhelming.
- Fix. Refactoring. Anti-Spam block page output refactored.
- Fix. External forms. Added check for excluded forms.
- Fix. Settings. Account info was updated after the plugin was enabled.
- Fix. Code. Some code styles and annotations were fixed.
- Mod. Update common lib.
- Fix. Integrations. Prevented request for each client request
- Upd. Common lib updated.
- Add. Integrations. Integrated nice page.
- Fix. Uniform variable syntax.
- Class declaration type removed.
- Fix. Search form catching fixed.
- Fix. Integration. Breezing forms integration fixed.
- New. Integrations. PWEB Ajax Contact Form integration.
- New. Settings. Fields exclusions rules notice.
- New. Common lib. New composer packets loaded instead of the old library files.
- Upd. Admin notices. Show admin banners logic updated.
- Fix: Excluded com_civicrm
- Fix: Fixed settings.js: settings_title
- Mod: BreezingForm - validate email
- Fixed FirewallUpdated::unpackData() method
- Fix: fixed Helper::1323 error
- Mod: Removed cookies from request
- Added pageExcluded()