This social media help you to connect with other people and have your photos shared with the weather and location.
- You can share an image // stories,
- Follow and unfollow another user,
- Edit a profile
- You can sign in with facebook, google or you can create a new account with our database.
- To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.
According to the pods used we highlight
- Alamofire - to consume the API request
- Firebase - for login, authentication, database and storage
- Kingfisher - for downloading and caching image from the web
- GoogleSignIn - sign in with google
- FBSDKLoginKit - sign in with Facebook
- Nimble-Snapshots and KIF - for tests
- Cleís Aurora ([email protected]) and Mauro Juliano ([email protected]),
If do you like, give your ⭐️
Universe is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info