Releases: Cjewett/HonorAssist
Releases · Cjewett/HonorAssist
Diminishing return on kills is now 10%
Fix invisible BG frames
- Fix invisible BG frames
- German translation updates
show flag carrier on bg frame
0.9.2 update version
battleground frames, revert US reset time back to 10 AM EST
0.9.1 update version
battleground frames
Merge pull request #26 from Cjewett/feature/battleground_frames initial battleground frames implementation
add slash command to reset window
0.8.3 Merge branch 'master' of
update wow interface version
0.8.2 update release version
Change US reset time to 4 PM UTC (11 AM EST, 8 AM PST)
Have a few hardcore rankers in the US saying this is resetting at 11 AM EST for them. Trusting them.
History, Nameplate Honor, Short Honor Gain Message, Battlegrounds Prep
- New Interface Options panel for HonorAssist located under the AddOns tab.
- Toggle for Honor Assist (Daily) tracker window
- Toggle to enable total honor possible next to Nameplate (Default UI only)
- Toggle to enable a shorter honor gained message
- History section to view your history by day since you installed the addon.
- General localization improvements
Initial localization and unique honor color in honor gained message
0.7.2 Merge pull request #18 from Cjewett/feature/localize_honor_gained_mes…