This repository contains data and processing scripts to generate a dataset of mechanical properties of MPEAs.
To install the proper dependencies in your Python environment, a requirements file has been included.
pip install -r requirements.txt
MPEA dataset The complete database file. Contains all compositions, properties, and reference info.
Compositions A csv of all the unique compositions in the database.
Grouped by composition A styled excel file grouping the data by composition.
Combined data This is a pre-processed data file and not intended for wide comsumption.
2018 data This file was generated from previous reviews (Gorsse2018, Couzinine2018).
2019 data This file was generated through the extraction of data from references in wos_query_refs.bib.
combined_data This is the raw input data for processing.
Get references This script combines data from previous reviews and 2019 data, assigns an updated identifier for each reference and searches for references info via Crossref. Outputs combined_data.csv and references.csv.
Process Takes combined_data.csv as an input and generates MPEA dataset (the master data file). This file is shared publicly on Figshare and in PIF format on Citrination.
Get stats and tables This script produces data tables from the master data file.
Get compositions This script produces Compositions and Grouped by composition to promote interpretation.
Get figures This script produces figures shown in the manuscript.