Model | Acer-aspire-7-A715-42G |
CPU | AMD Ryzen 5 5500U |
GPU | AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics |
SSD | 512 GB NVME.m2 |
RAM | 8GB |
Ethernet | Realtek RTL |
Wifi Adapter | MediaTek Wi-Fi 6 MT7921 Wireless LAN Card |
Bluetooth | MediaTek Bluetooth MT7921 |
Keyboard | ps2 keyboard |
Trackpad | I2C Elan 0504 |
- Dual boot Windows 10 + MacOS BigSur
- Ethernet
- USB2.0 ports
- Usb 3.0 + Type C
- Battery life is just half of what I get in windows
- SK Hyinx NVme Cause Kernel Panic on Mac OS
- Webcam
- Will Put Soon
- Create a Bootable USB for MacOS by using by Dortania's OpenCore-Install-Guide.
- Install MacOS to SSD / Hard drive. (While installing, connect USB keyboard and mouse).
- Copy ALL the Contains of this Repo inside the EFI partition of SSD / Hard drive.
- [IMPORTANT] Make sure to Generate system definitions of MacBook pro 15,4 in config.plist file using GenSMBIOS & add
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