This repo is data, code, and related materials of "Assessing diversity and representativeness of big team science in psychology [Stage 1 RR Protocol]".
- A description of the folder structure
├── 1_Protocol
│ └── Assess_BTS_Stage1_RR_manuscript.docx
├── 2_Raw_Data
│ └── 2_1_BTS
│ └── Collection of Big Team Science in Psych Sci.txt
│ └── 2_2_Traditional studies
│ └── 2_2_World population census data
├── 3_Data extraction
│ └── 3_1_Code_manual
│ │ ├──BTS_sample_Code_Manual_V2 (in Chinese).docx
│ │ ├──BTS_sample_Code_Manual_V2 (in English).docx
├── 4_Analayses
│ ├── 4_1_Hypotheses testing
│ │ ├── Matching_algorithm.Rmd
│ │ ├── Sensitivity_Analysis_for_Bayes_Factors.Rmd
│ │ ├── Hypotheses_testing_BTS_Sample_Stage1_RR.Rmd
│ │ ├── ...
│ │
│ ├── 4_2_Exploratory_analysis
│ │ ├── Exploratory_analysis_BTS_Sample_Stage1_RR.Rmd
│ │ ├── ...
├── 5_Reports
│ └── stage2