This IRC Server is a high-performance Internet Relay Chat server designed for scalability and extensibility. Built with a focus on security and ease of use, it provides a robust platform for real-time communication across various communities.
As an administrator of a large online community, I need a reliable and customizable IRC server to facilitate seamless communication among members, manage channels efficiently, and ensure data security.
- An administrator sets up the IRC Server to support a growing online gaming community, utilizing its advanced features to create a dynamic and engaging environment.
- A tech conference uses the IRC Server to provide real-time chat rooms for attendees, enabling discussions, Q&A sessions, and networking opportunities.
Please refer to the Getting started
link for instructions on setting up the IRC Server.
- Dependencies and environmental requirements will be listed here.
cd irc
brew install weechat
./ircserv <port> <password>
Connect to the server using your favorite IRC client at the specified port.
/server add <> <server.ip>/6667 -notls -nosslwee
Turn off debugging messages:
/set 1
We welcome contributions. Please read
for details on our code of conduct and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the
file for details.
- Inspired by the resilience and adaptability of the the creature, this project aims to provide a similarly robust and flexible platform for online communication.
- [GitHub Repository Link]
- [Documentation]
- [User Guide]
Gero Böhm (
Christian Meng (
JOIN <#channelname>
PART <#channelname>
PRIVMSG <#channelname>/ :
PRIVMSG nickname :
KICK <#channelname> :
INVITE <#channelname>
TOPIC <#channelname> :
MODE <#channelname>/
QUIT -> (to all other users of a channel): :Nickname!Username@hostname QUIT :Quit: quit message
NICK -> :NICK :server ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE * :Nickname is already in use
USER -> :server 001 :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network !@
JOIN -> :Nick!User@host JOIN :#channelname :server 332 #channelname : :server 353 = #channelname :
PART -> :Nick!User@host PART #channelname
PRIVMSG -> :Nick!User@host PRIVMSG #channelname : :server ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN #channelname :Cannot send to channel
PRIVMSG -> :Nick!User@host PRIVMSG : :server ERR_NOSUCHNICK :No such user
KICK -> :Nick!User@host KICK #channelname :
INVITE -> :Nick!User@host INVITE :#channelname
TOPIC -> :server 332 #channelname :
LIST -> :server 322 #channelname : :server 323 :End of LIST
MODE -> :Nick!User@host MODE #channelname :
client 4: NICK cmeng
client 4: USER cmeng 0 * :cmeng