The genderplot package provides more informative plots to investigate gender effects. The reasons behind it are described in the paper Thurn, Braas, Berkowitz (in preparation).
devtools::install_github("Christian-T/genderplot", force = TRUE)
The gender_plot function will need a column named "gender". If your column is named differently, specify gender = "name_of_gender_column"
. The function checks whether the column contains values with the levels "female/male". If the levels are different (e.g., "f/m") the function will make use of the recode_gender
function from the gendercoder
package. You can install it via devtools::install_github('ropenscilabs/gendercoder')
, or you provide a gender column with levels labelled "female" and "male".
genderplot::gender_plot(PhDPublications, varname="prestige")
genderplot::gender_plot(PhDPublications, varname="prestige", lb=-1) #need to adjust lower bound
# to depict larger gender differences
data(STAR) #data on effect of reducing class size on test scores in the early grades
genderplot::gender_plot(STAR[!$read1),], varname="read1") #read1 = reading in first grade
genderplot::gender_plot(STAR[!$math3),], varname="math3") #math3= math in 3rd grade
data("TeachingRatings") #Data on course evaluations, course characteristics,
# and professor characteristics (beauty)
genderplot::gender_plot(TeachingRatings, varname="age") #more old professors are male
genderplot::gender_plot(TeachingRatings, varname="age", lb=-1, ub=2.5) #need to adjust
#lower and upper bound
genderplot::gender_plot(TeachingRatings, varname="beauty", lb=-1) #more beautiful
# professors are female
genderplot::gender_plot(TeachingRatings, varname="eval") # higher evaluated professors
# are more often male than female
To cite package genderplot
in publications use:
Thurn, C. M., Braas, T., Berkowitz, M. (2021). Package "genderplot". Availabe at
The function for half violin plots come from the see package The function for gender coding comes from the gendercoder package