git clone
colcon buld
cd $HOME
git clone
cd f1tenth_gym && pip3 install -e .
cd $HOME && mkdir -p sim_ws/src
cd $HOME/sim_ws/src
git clone
- Update correct parameter for path to map file: Go to
sim.yaml in your cloned repo, change themap_path
parameter to point to the correct location. It should be'<your_home_dir>/sim_ws/src/f1tenth_gym_ros/maps/levine'
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
cd ..
rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro humble -y
colcon build
source ~/sim_ws/install/setup.bash
echo "source ~/sim_ws/install/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
cd $HOME/sim_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
sudo apt-get update
rosdep install -r --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro humble -y
colcon build
To use it in the simulator, you must comment out the launch of the map_server in the launch file. In the launch/ file, comment out these two lines (Towards the end of the file): ld.add_action(nav_lifecycle_node) ld.add_action(map_server_node) Then, in the config/localize.yaml file, change the 'odometry_topic' to '/ego_racecar/odom' and 'range_method' to 'glt
cd $HOME
# No need to clone this in your workspace, we will only use the python wrapper
git clone
sudo apt-get install python3-dev cython3
cd range_libc/pywrapper
sudo TRACE=ON python3 install
def publish_scan(self, angles, ranges):
# publish the given angels and ranges as a laser scan message
ls = LaserScan()
ls.header.stamp = self.last_stamp
ls.header.frame_id = '/laser'
ls.angle_min = float(np.min(angles))
ls.angle_max = float(np.max(angles))
ls.angle_increment = float(np.abs(angles[0] - angles[1]))
ls.range_min = 0.0
ls.range_max = float(np.max(ranges))
ls.ranges = [float(range) for range in ranges]
To be continued
To create Racelines and centerlines run
ros2 launch f1tenth_gym_ros
ros2 launch particle_filter
- /scan: scan from lidar
- /ego_racecar/odom: exact position or the car
- /ego_crash: True if collision occurs