released this
12 Sep 15:23
Added client version and server version consistently to printed server error messages
Added support for loading custom background lists without changing config/backgrounds.yaml
via the config/background_lists
folder and commands
Added support for loading custom character lists without changing config/characters.yaml
via the config/character_lists
folder and commands
Updated wording of /area_list and /music_list so that it matches the wording of /bg_list and /char_list on success or failure
Added /area_list_info and /music_list_info, which returns the name of the current area list and music list respectively
Added support for changing backgrounds in an area associated with periods via commands
Changed console message indicating server address and port to reflect DRO no longer using the old syntax
Fixed /lasterror providing duplicate error information
Fixed /clock_period erroring out if a non-numerical invalid hour start or hour length was given.
You can’t perform that action at this time.