Hello and welcome to my Delta Inductions Task 2 for the Sysad domain. To begin open up the terminal and enter the following commands
To initialise the reverse proxy and server mess.txt
$ chmod +x ./initialise.sh
$ ./initialise.sh
To activate the server and setup phpadmin and the userdetails website
$ docker compose up --build
To add data to the Postgress database
$ python3 ./add_data_to_db.py
To run the cronjob to back up data periodically
$ ./cronjob_setter.sh
- Dockerise Task 1
- Display the file using Apache from the local directory of the docker container. Proxy the requests to the container.
- Make the file accessible locally using gamma-z.hm instead of default localhost. Opening gamma-z.hm should display the text file directly.
- Store user details in Database
- Create a database to store all the user details instead of the files in the students' directory.
- Dockerise the database along with the server. Use docker-compose.
- Setup a cronjob to periodically take database backup. The backup should take place at 10:10 every three days of month and on sundays for May, June and August. Do not setup multiple cronjobs.
- Modify the docker setup to ensure that restarting docker will not destroy the data from database.
- Add PHPMyAdmin docker service for viewing the database. Also create an account in PHPMyAdmin with read-only permissions to read the user details in the DB.
- Create a website to display the user details based on their permissions.
- Implement login feature with userid and password. Get the permissions based on the logged in userid.
- HAD should be able to see everyone's details.
- Wardens should be able to see only their hostel's student's details.
- Students should only be able to see their own details.