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A standalone end-to-end data analysis pipeline for Duplex Sequencing


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Duplex Sequencing Pipeline

Brendan Kohrn, March 30, 2020
Duplex Sequencing is copyright Scott Kennedy and Larwrence Loeb, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA

Table of Contents:

  1. Glossary
  2. Dependencies
  3. Setup
  4. Genome Setup
  5. Contaminant database setup
  6. Bed and Interval_list file preparation
  7. Configuration File creation
  8. Recovery script creation
  9. Running pipelines
  10. Output file description
  11. Testing the pipeline
  12. Full and partial reruns

1: Glossary

Single Stranded Consensus Sequence (SSCS)

A construct created by comparing multiple reads and deciding ambiguities by simple majority.

Duplex Consensus Sequence (DCS)

A construct created by comparing two SSCSs.


A group of reads that shares the same tag sequence.

2: Dependencies:

This pipeline is known to work with the following minimum versions of the follow required programs:

  • Python3.6+
  • Snakemake=5.5.*
  • Pandas
  • Miniconda/Anaconda=4.7.*
  • A GATK3.8.1 .jar file
  • bwa=0.7.17.* (for genome setup)
  • ncbi-blast=>2.6.0 (installed separately, for contaminant database setup)
  • wget (on macOS, install using homebrew; present by default on linux)

Once Python3.6 is installed, snakemake and pandas can be installed using pip3 or using whatever package manager you're using. GATK3.8.1 can be downloaded from
We need to use GATK3.8.1 since it is the last version of GATK that includes the IndelRealigner functionality; this part was removed in GATK4. Blast can be downloaded in any of several ways, including some package managers (Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install ncbi-blast+). It can also be installed using conda if desired.

3: Setup:

Find the location where you want the pipeline to be located and clone the pipeline using git:

git clone

change into the directory, and run:


where GATK_JAR_PATH is the path to your pre-downloaded GATK jar, and MAX_CORES is the maximum number of cores you want the pipeline to be able to use. After this, with the exception of setting up the Genomes (See Section 4) and the (optional) blast contamination database (See Section 5), you should be able to run the Duplex-Seq pipeline using


where CONFIG_CSV.csv is a configuration CSV file generated as described below.

4: Genome setup

Put genomes in an easily findable location, such as our references directory (i.e. ~/bioinformatics/reference).

Many genomes can be downloaded from UCSC ( In order to download genomes from there, you will need to download the twoBitToFa program from the appropriate Utilities directory. twoBitToFa has the following syntax (Copied from UCSC):

twoBitToFa - Convert all or part of .2bit file to fasta
   twoBitToFa input.2bit output.fa
   -seq=name       Restrict this to just one sequence.
   -start=X        Start at given position in sequence (zero-based).
   -end=X          End at given position in sequence (non-inclusive).
   -seqList=file   File containing list of the desired sequence names 
                   in the format seqSpec[:start-end], e.g. chr1 or chr1:0-189
                   where coordinates are half-open zero-based, i.e. [start,end).
   -noMask         Convert sequence to all upper case.
   -bpt=index.bpt  Use bpt index instead of built-in one.
   -bed=input.bed  Grab sequences specified by input.bed. Will exclude introns.
   -bedPos         With -bed, use chrom:start-end as the fasta ID in output.fa.
   -udcDir=/dir/to/cache  Place to put cache for remote bigBed/bigWigs.

Sequence and range may also be specified as part of the input file name using the syntax:


Once you have downloaded a genome and converted it into FASTA format, it needs to be indexed. To do this, open a terminal and navigate to your the directory containing your genome. Note that in the following commands, the word "genome.fasta" should be replaced with the file name of your genome. These commands must be run in the same directory as the reference genome

    bwa index genome.fasta  
    samtools faidx genome.fasta  
    # /Path/To/PicardTools should be the path to wherever you put your picard tools jar file.    
    # Also, genome.dict should match the name of your fasta (e.g. hg19.fasta to hg19.dict)  
    java -jar /Path/To/PicardTools/picard.jar CreateSequenceDictionary R=genome.fasta O=genome.dict  

At the moment, this pipeline does not support compressed genomes.

5: Contaminant Database Setup:

The Duplex-Seq pipeline is designed to use a local NCBI Blast instance to detect and remove potential contamination from non-target species and identify issues arising from pseudogenes. This step is optional, but requires a non valid NCBI Blast database file name. We recommend either a dummy path and file name or '.' to be present in the blast_db field in the config.csv file. Blank entries will result in pipeline failure.

To construct your contaminant database, if desired, first decide on a list of species you want to monitor for contaminants. A suggested starting list is:

  • Human (hg38)
  • Mouse (mm10)
  • Rat (rn6)
  • C. elegens (ce11)
  • Yeast (sacCer3)
  • Fruit Fly (dm6)
  • Cow (bosTau9)
  • Dog (canFam3)

It is important that any genome you plan to use for alignment be included in this database, in the same version (e.g. if your alignment genome uses UCSC chromosome names, your genome in the database cannot use NCBI chromosme names, but must also use UCSC chromosome names).

Database setup consists of three steps:

  1. Genome labeling:

Label each record in the genome with the ncbi taxID for the species the genome is associated with. TaxIDs can be found using the NCBI taxonomy website ( This is done by running:

python3 GENOME.fa TAXID GENOME_taxID.fa

where GENOME.fa is the input fasta file with the genome, TAXID is the NCBI taxonomy ID for the species associated with the genome, and GENOME_taxID.fa is the output labeled genome.

  1. Sub-database Creation:

Create the database using:

makeblastdb \  
-dbtype nucl \  
-title GENOME \  
-out GENOME_db \  
-in GENOME_taxID.fa  

After this, create a .nal file for this database following this template:


The script can be used to automate these steps. It can be run with:

bash /path/to/pipeline/setupBlastDb/ GENOME.fa TAXON_ID
  1. Full database creation:

Once you've created all your sub-databases (e.g. GENOME1, GENOME2, GENOME3, ..., GENOME_N), create a .nal file to represent the full database following this template:

TITLE contaminantDb

If, at a later time, you need to change your contaminant database, you then only need to rebuild the modified portion, and then update this file to reflect that.

6: Bed file preparation

A bed file is a file which details regions of the genome in which you are interested. The syntax for bed files is described at

If you know which genes you are targeting and are using a common published genome, the bed file can be downloaded from the UCSC Table Browser ( Otherwise, it can be created using results from a BLAST search or any other method you like. This pipeline does not currently support overlapping intervals, does support blocks as described in the bed spec.

7: Configuration file creation:

Use the ConfigTemplate to create a new file with the appropriate headers. For each row, fill in the information about a particular sample:

Header Required or Default Information
sample Required A unique identifier for a sample; this will be used to name all output files for this sample
rglb Required Read Group Library Identifier
rgpl Required Read Group Platform; usually illumina
rgpu Required Read Group Platform Unit
rgsm Required Read Group Sample
reference Required The path to the prepared reference genome to use with this sample.
target_bed Required A bed file showing where the targets are for this particular sample
blast_db Required The blast database to use for contaminant filtering; must include your target genome.
targetTaxonId Required The taxon ID of the species you are expecting to be present in the sample.
baseDir Required The directory the input files are in, and where the output files will be created.
in1 Required The read1 fastq (or fastq.gz, or fq.gz, or fq) file for this sample. Note that this is just the name of the file, and not the full path.
in2 Required The read2 fastq (or fastq.gz, or fq.gz, or fq) file for this sample. Note that this is just the name of the file, and not the full path.
mqFilt 0 A threshold for mapping quality filtering, if desired.
minMem 0 The minimum number of reads that must be in a family for consensus making
maxMem 200 The maximum number of reads in a family the consensus maker should consider.
cutOff 0.9 The threshold for consensus making; the consensus maker will require at least this much agreement on a per base pair level.
nCutOff 1 The maximum proportion of N bases in an output consensus sequence.
umiLen 8 The length of the UMI in this sample
spacerLen 1 The length of the spacer sequence in this sample
locLen 10 The localization length to use for this sample
readLen 101 The length of a read for this sample
clipBegin 7 How many bases to clip off the 5' end of the read
clipEnd 0 How many bases to clip off the 3' end of the read
minClonal 0 The minimum clonality to use for count_muts generation
maxClonal 0.1 The maximum clonality to use for count_muts generation
minDepth 100 The minimum depth to use for count_muts generation
maxNs 1 The maximum proportion of N bases to use for count_muts generation
cm_outputs "GB" Select which sections of the countmuts to output, in addition to 'OVERALL'. String of one or more of 'G', 'B', and 'N'. G -> output GENE sections for each bed line; B -> output 'BLOCK' sections for each block in the bed line (if present); 'N' -> Only output overall frequencies. Overrides all other options.
cm_sumTypes "GT" How to calculate OVERALL and GENE blocks for countmuts output. The first character controls summing for overall: G -> OVERALL = sum(GENEs); B -> OVERALL = sum(BLOCKs). In sum(GENEs) mode, this will ignore BLOCKs for the purposes of calculating OVERALL. The second character controls summing for each GENE: T -> GENE = Whole gene, ignoring BLOCKs; B -> GENE = sum(BLOCKs).
runSSCS false true or false; whether to do full analysis for SSCS data.
recovery "" The recovery script to use in attempting to recover ambiguously mapped reads (as determine by blast alignment vs bwa alignment). Recovery script creation is discussed in 8; below.

Save the file as a .csv file with unix line endings (LF).

8: Recovery script creation

As part of its operation, this pipeline filters out correct-species reads where the blast mapping and bwa mapping positions disagree or where blast is unable to determine conclusively where the read maps (i.e.E-scores are the same). There is a step which provides an option to recover those reads by using a user-generated bash script. Currently, we use a bash script to call a python script which will actually accomplish the recovery, but this functionality may be changed in the future. In general, these scripts must:

  1. accept ambiguous reads as $1
  2. accept non-ambiguous reads as $2
  3. take a file name for output reads as $3
  4. take a basePath for location of script files as $4

All script files must be stored in scripts/RecoveryScripts.

9: Running pipelines:

The pipeline can be run using the DS command created by the setup script:


10: Output file descriptions:

The pipeline will create a set of summary files covering all samples, as well as a file directory structure for each sample. The summary files are:

File Name Description
summary.csv A csv file with summary metrics for all samples.
summaryDepth.pdf A pdf file containing depth per target plots for all samples.
summaryFamilySize.pdf A pdf file containing family size plots for all samples.
summaryInsertSize.pdf A pdf file containing insert size plots for all samples.
summaryMutsByCycle.pdf A pdf file containing non-SNP mutations per cycle for all samples.

This directory structure looks like this:

   ├── Final
   │   ├── dcs
   │   │   ├── SAMPLE.dcs.countmuts.txt
   │   │   ├──
   │   │   ├──
   │   │   ├── SAMPLE.dcs.mutated.bam
   │   │   ├── SAMPLE.dcs.mutated.bam.bai
   │   │   ├── SAMPLE.dcs.snps.vcf
   │   │   └── SAMPLE.dcs.vcf
   │   ├──
   │   └── sscs
   │       ├──
   │       └──
   ├── Intermediate
   │   ├── ConsensusMakerOutputs
   │   │   ├── SAMPLE_aln_seq1.fq.gz
   │   │   ├── SAMPLE_aln_seq2.fq.gz
   │   │   ├── SAMPLE_read1_dcs.fq.gz
   │   │   ├── SAMPLE_read1_sscs.fq.gz
   │   │   ├── SAMPLE_read2_dcs.fq.gz
   │   │   └── SAMPLE_read2_sscs.fq.gz
   │   ├── postBlast
   │   │   ├── FilteredReads
   │   │   │   ├── SAMPLE_dcs.ambig.sort.bam
   │   │   │   ├── SAMPLE_dcs.ambig.sort.bam.bai
   │   │   │   ├── SAMPLE_dcs.wrongSpecies.sort.bam
   │   │   │   └── SAMPLE_dcs.wrongSpecies.sort.bam.bai
   │   │   ├── SAMPLE_dcs.blast.xml
   │   │   ├── SAMPLE_dcs.preBlast.mutated.bam
   │   │   └── SAMPLE_dcs.preBlast.unmutated.bam
   │   └── PreVariantCallsCp
   │       ├── dcs
   │       │   ├── SAMPLE.dcs.clipped.bai
   │       │   └── SAMPLE.dcs.clipped.bam
   │       └── sscs
   │           ├── SAMPLE.sscs.clipped.bai
   │           └── SAMPLE.sscs.clipped.bam
   ├── logs
   │   └── Log Files
   ├── SAMPLE_seq1.fastq.gz
   ├── SAMPLE_seq2.fastq.gz
   └── Stats
       ├── data
       │   ├── SAMPLE_cmStats.txt
       │   ├── SAMPLE.dcs_ambiguity_counts.txt
       │   ├── SAMPLE.dcs.clipped.metrics.txt
       │   ├── SAMPLE.dcs.filt.clipped.metrics.txt
       │   ├── SAMPLE.dcs.filt.no_overlap.metrics.txt
       │   ├── SAMPLE.dcs.iSize_Metrics.txt
       │   ├── SAMPLE.dcs_MutsPerCycle.dat.csv
       │   ├── SAMPLE.dcs.mutsPerRead.txt
       │   ├── SAMPLE.dcs.region.mutpos.vcf_depth.txt
       │   ├── SAMPLE.dcs.region.snpFiltered.mutsPerRead.txt
       │   ├── SAMPLE_dcs.speciesComp.txt
       │   ├── SAMPLE_mem.dcs.sort.flagstats.txt
       │   ├── SAMPLE_mem.sscs.sort.flagstats.txt
       │   ├── SAMPLE_onTargetCount.txt
       │   ├── SAMPLE.sscs.clipped.metrics.txt
       │   ├── SAMPLE.sscs.filt.clipped.metrics.txt
       │   ├── SAMPLE.sscs.filt.no_overlap.metrics.txt
       │   ├── SAMPLE.tagstats.txt
       │   └── SAMPLE.temp.sort.flagstats.txt
       └── plots
           ├── SAMPLE.dcs_BasePerPosInclNs.png
           ├── SAMPLE.dcs_BasePerPosWithoutNs.png
           ├── SAMPLE.dcs.iSize_Histogram.png
           ├── SAMPLE.dcs.mutsPerRead.png
           ├── SAMPLE.dcs.region.snpFiltered.mutsPerRead.png
           ├── SAMPLE.dcs.targetCoverage.png
           ├── SAMPLE_family_size.png
           └── SAMPLE_fam_size_relation.png

File descriptions are as follows:

Directory File name Description When Generated
. Per-sample config file, showing run parameters for this sample. Always
. SAMPLE_seq1.fastq.gz Input read 1 file Input
. SAMPLE_seq2.fastq.gz Input read 2 file Input
. Final Directory containing final bam and vcf files Always
Final dcs Directory containing final dcs files Always
Final/dcs SAMPLE.dcs.countmuts.txt Countmuts file, showing a summary of mutation data for DCS reads. Always
Final/dcs Final file for DCS reads, including all reads that overlap the bed file. Always
Final/dcs Index for final DCS reads. Always
Final/dcs SAMPLE.dcs.mutated.bam File containing DCS reads with non-SNP mutations Always
Final/dcs SAMPLE.dcs.mutated.bam.bai Index for DCS mutated reads file. Always
Final/dcs SAMPLE.dcs.snps.vcf VCF file containing SNPs overlapping bed file in DCS. Always
Final/dcs SAMPLE.dcs.vcf VCF file containing all variants overlapping bed file in DCS. Always
Final Summary report for this sample Always
Final sscs Directory containing final SSCS files Always
SAMPLE.sscs.countmuts.txt Countmuts file, showing a summary of mutation data for SSCS reads.
Final/sscs Final file for SSCS reads, including all reads that overlap the bed file. Always
Final/sscs Index for final SSCS reads. Always
Final/sscs SAMPLE.sscs.mutated.bam File containing SSCS reads with non-SNP mutations runSscs=True
Final/sscs SAMPLE.sscs.mutated.bam.bai Index for SSCS mutated reads file. runSscs=True
Final/sscs SAMPLE.sscs.snps.vcf VCF file containing SNPs overlapping bed file in SSCS. runSscs=True
Final/sscs SAMPLE.sscs.vcf VCF file containing all variants overlapping bed file in SSCS. runSscs=True
. Intermediate Directory containing intermediate checkpointing files Always
Intermediate ConsensusMakerOutputs Directory for post-consensus maker checkpoint files Always
Intermediate/ConsensusMakerOutputs SAMPLE_aln_seq1.fq.gz Read 1 file for raw on-target determination Always
Intermediate/ConsensusMakerOutputs SAMPLE_aln_seq2.fq.gz Read 2 file for raw on-target determination Always
Intermediate/ConsensusMakerOutputs SAMPLE_read1_dcs.fq.gz DCS Read 1 File Always
Intermediate/ConsensusMakerOutputs SAMPLE_read1_sscs.fq.gz SSCS Read 1 file Always
Intermediate/ConsensusMakerOutputs SAMPLE_read2_dcs.fq.gz DCS Read 2 File Always
Intermediate/ConsensusMakerOutputs SAMPLE_read2_sscs.fq.gz SSCS Read 2 file Always
Intermediate postBlast Directory for post-BLAST checkpoint files. Only affects DCS. Always
Intermediate/postBlast FilteredReads Directory for reads that got filtered out of DCS processing due to BLAST analysis indicating that they were either the wrong species or ambiguously mapped. Always
Intermediate/postBlast/FilteredReads SAMPLE_dcs.ambig.sort.bam Reads that were filtered out due to ambiguous mapping according to BLAST alignment. Always
Intermediate/postBlast/FilteredReads SAMPLE_dcs.ambig.sort.bam.bai Index for ambiguous reads file Always
Intermediate/postBlast/FilteredReads SAMPLE_dcs.wrongSpecies.sort.bam Reads that were filtered out due to BLAST alignment indicating that they were from the wrong species, or where species of origin could not be determined. Always
Intermediate/postBlast/FilteredReads SAMPLE_dcs.wrongSpecies.sort.bam.bai Index for wrong-species file Always
Intermediate/postBlast SAMPLE_dcs.blast.xml BLAST xml output Always
Intermediate/postBlast SAMPLE_dcs.preBlast.mutated.bam DCS with potential non-SNP variants that were submitted to BLAST. Always
Intermediate/postBlast SAMPLE_dcs.preBlast.unmutated.bam DCS reads without non-SNP variants. Always
Intermediate PreVariantCallsCp Directory for final checkpoint, immediately before variant calling. Always
Intermediate/PreVariantCallsCp dcs Directory containing final checkpoint DCS bam files Always
Intermediate/PreVariantCallsCp/dcs SAMPLE.dcs.clipped.bai Final file containing all DCS reads, including those that don’t overlap the bed file. Always
Intermediate/PreVariantCallsCp/dcs SAMPLE.dcs.clipped.bam Final file containing all DCS reads, including those that don’t overlap the bed file. Always
Intermediate/PreVariantCallsCp sscs Directory containing final checkpoint SSCS bam files Always
Intermediate/PreVariantCallsCp/sscs SAMPLE.sscs.clipped.bai Index for final file containing all SSCS reads, including those that don’t overlap the bed file. Always
Intermediate/PreVariantCallsCp/sscs SAMPLE.sscs.clipped.bam Final file containing all SSCS reads, including those that don’t overlap the bed file. Always
. logs Directory containing log files for this sample. Always
. Stats Directory containing statistics files Always
Stats data Directory containing statistics data files. Always
Stats/data SAMPLE_cmStats.txt Statistics from the Consensus Maker Always
Stats/data SAMPLE.dcs_ambiguity_counts.txt Statistics on ambiguity counts Always
Stats/data SAMPLE.dcs.clipped.metrics.txt Statistics on fixed end clipping in DCS Always
Stats/data SAMPLE.dcs.filt.clipped.metrics.txt Statistics on overlap clipping in DCS Always
Stats/data SAMPLE.dcs.iSize_Metrics.txt Statistics on insert size in DCS Always
Stats/data SAMPLE.dcs_MutsPerCycle.dat.csv Statistics file for non-SNP mutations per cycle in DCS reads Always
Stats/data SAMPLE.dcs.mutsPerRead.txt Statistics file for non-SNP mutations per read in DCS reads Always
Stats/data SAMPLE.dcs.region.mutpos.vcf_depth.txt Per-base coverage and N counts for final DCS Always
Stats/data SAMPLE_dcs.speciesComp.txt File containing species assignment data for DCS reads Always
Stats/data SAMPLE_mem.dcs.sort.flagstats.txt Initial alignment statistics for DCS reads Always
Stats/data SAMPLE_mem.sscs.sort.flagstats.txt Initial alignment statistics for SSCS reads Always
Stats/data SAMPLE_onTargetCount.txt Raw on target statistics Always
Stats/data SAMPLE.sscs.clipped.metrics.txt Statistics on fixed end clipping in SSCS Always
Stats/data SAMPLE.sscs.filt.clipped.metrics.txt Statistics on overlap clipping in SSCS Always
Stats/data SAMPLE.sscs_MutsPerCycle.dat.csv Text data of error rate per cycle in unclipped SSCS runSscs=True
Stats/data SAMPLE.sscs.mutsPerRead.txt Statistics file for non-SNP mutations per read in SSCS reads runSscs=True
Stats/data SAMPLE.sscs.region.mutpos.vcf_depth.txt Per-base coverage and N counts for final SSCS runSscs=True
Stats/data SAMPLE.tagstats.txt Family size data (in text form) Always
Stats/data SAMPLE.temp.sort.flagstats.txt Statistics on initial read counts Always
Stats iPython notebook for the HTML report Always
Stats plots Directory containing statistics plots. Always
Stats/plots SAMPLE.dcs_BasePerPosInclNs.png Plot of error rate per cycle for DCS, including Ns Always
Stats/plots SAMPLE.dcs_BasePerPosWithoutNs.png Plot of error rate per cycle for DCS Always
Stats/plots SAMPLE.dcs.iSize_Histogram.png Histogram of insert size metrics for un-clipped DCS Always
Stats/plots SAMPLE.dcs.mutsPerRead.png Plot of mutations per read in DCS Always
Stats/plots SAMPLE.dcs.targetCoverage.png Plot of per-target coverage in DCS Always
Stats/plots SAMPLE_family_size.png Plot of family size distribution Always
Stats/plots SAMPLE_fam_size_relation.png Plot of relationship between a:b and b:a families Always
Stats/plots SAMPLE.sscs_BasePerPosInclNs.png Plot of error rate per cycle SSCS, including Ns runSscs=True
Stats/plots SAMPLE.sscs_BasePerPosWithoutNs.png Plot of error rate per cycle for SSCS runSscs=True
Stats/plots SAMPLE.sscs.mutsPerRead.png Plot of mutations per read in SSCS runSscs=True

11: Testing the pipeline

The newly setup pipeline can be tested using provided data and files located in the 'test' directory. To test the pipeline, change into the 'test' directory and invoking at the command prompt:

DS testConfig.csv

A final expected output report can be found in the testData/Final directory and be compared to the expected_report.html file located in the parent test directory.

12: Full and partial reruns

Sometimes it may be necessary to rerun all or part of the pipeline for various reasons. The following table lists some of the reasons you might want to rerun all or part of the pipeline, how much of the pipeline you want to rerun in those cases, and how to carry out the rerun.

Issue Amount to rerun Preparation steps
Wrong bed file used From pre-variant calling Remove the following files:
  • summary.csv
  • summaryMutsByCycle.pdf
  • summaryDepth.pdf
  • summaryFamilySize.pdf
  • summaryInsertSize.pdf
  • All files for samples that you want to force a rerun of
Remove the following directories:
  • All Final directories in samples that you want to force a rerun of.
  • Wrong clipping parameters used
  • Wrong target taxon ID used
From post-blast Remove the following files:
  • summary.csv
  • summaryMutsByCycle.pdf
  • summaryDepth.pdf
  • summaryFamilySize.pdf
  • summaryInsertSize.pdf
  • All files for samples that you want to force a rerun of
Remove the following directories:
  • All Final directories in samples that you want to force a rerun of.
  • All Intermediate/PreVariantCallsCp directories in samples that you want to force a rerun of
  • Wrong contaminant db used
  • Wrong reference genome used
From post-Consensus Maker Remove the following files:
  • summary.csv
  • summaryMutsByCycle.pdf
  • summaryDepth.pdf
  • summaryFamilySize.pdf
  • summaryInsertSize.pdf
  • All files for samples that you want to force a rerun of
Remove the following directories:
  • All Final directories in samples that you want to force a rerun of.
  • All Intermediate/PreVariantCallsCp directories in samples that you want to force a rerun of
  • All Intermediate/postBlast directories in samples that you want to force a rerun of
Wrong consensus making parameters used From beginning Remove the following files:
  • summary.csv
  • summaryMutsByCycle.pdf
  • summaryDepth.pdf
  • summaryFamilySize.pdf
  • summaryInsertSize.pdf
  • All files for samples that you want to force a rerun of
Remove the following directories:
  • All Final directories in samples that you want to force a rerun of.
  • All Intermediate directories in samples that you want to force a rerun of
  • All Stats directories in samples that you want to force a rerun of


A standalone end-to-end data analysis pipeline for Duplex Sequencing







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