A common place to meet and greet. Feel free to edit and add info as appropriate.
Objectives include: making pretty visualizations, providing maps to find the way, and also to assist in the decisions about where to go caving next that would find the most new caves and/or connections.
At CUCC we use https://survex.com/ for the main set of data, with plan drawings done in tunnelx.
Caving clubs and expeditions need an effective online forum to coordinate their volunteer work -- be it organizing the expeditions or debugging and drawing up the survey data. Email lists are no longer adequate, and one system that allows semi-structured freeform work is GitHub, which has the advantage that many people already hold accounts for it.
Imperial College Caving Club (ICCC) are currently managing their survey data in this GitHub repo: https://github.com/jarvist/migovecsurveydata
A lot of the cave data work could be directed into the QGIS system, which would mean we could start to integrate with all the other GIS technology out there. The forefront of this sort of thing is at: https://matienzocaves.org.uk/MCP-QGIS/index.htm
The CentrlineInput plugin enables survex.3d files to be imported as a vector layer. And tunnelx now outputs geotiffs that can be used as a raster layer in QGIS so that cave plans can be embedded into a proper map/poster.