Release 1.19.4
[FIX] Fixed a bug where the single player widget was loading the incorrect html 5 player
[FIX] Fixed a bug where the subscribe links aren’t shown on the compact player
[TWEAK] Iterate over various album art options for the HTML5 player, and use the first most appropriate one that is of square aspect ratio.
[TWEAK] Deferred loading of scripts and styles for new HTML5 player to the end of the element, and only if at least one HTML5 player instance is present on the page, to avoid unnecessary loading of scripts.
[TWEAK] Updated podcast_episode shortcode to allow the use of a “style” shortcode attribute, with a value of “mini” or “large” to either use the compact native WordPress player or the new larger HTML5 media player.
[TWEAK] Updated podcast_playlist shortcode to force use of default WordPress media player instead of the new HTML5 player until some minor bugs are ironed out.
[NEW] Added ssp_include_episode_meta_data, ssp_include_podcast_subscribe_links and ssp_include_player_meta filters to give greater programmatic control over player meta data and subscribe links.