A jQuery plugin for drag and drop form creation, formBuilder has many options and is translatable.
To start building forms with this plugin call formBuilder()
on the block element you would like to make your editor.
jQuery(function($) {
var editor = document.getElementById('fb-editor');
Option | Type | Value(s) | Default |
append / prepend | {Object, Array, String} | DOM Object | [] | '<h1></h1>' |
false |
controlOrder | {Array} | ['autocomplete', 'button', 'checkbox', ...] |
controlPosition | {String} | 'left' | 'right' |
'right' |
dataType | {String} | json | xml |
json |
defaultFields | {Array} | [{type: 'text', name: 'first-name'}] |
[] |
disabledAttrs | {Array} | array of attributes to disable for all fields | [] |
disabledActionButtons | {Array} | array of form action buttons to disable | [] |
disableFields | {Array} | array of field types to disable | ['autocomplete', 'hidden', 'number'] |
disableInjectedStyle | {Bool} | true | false |
false |
editOnAdd | {Bool} | true | false |
false |
fieldRemoveWarn | {Bool} | true |
false |
fields | {Array} | array of additional field definitions | [] |
formData | {String} | xmlData |
jsonData |
inputSets | {Array} | array of field definitions | [] |
notify | {Object} | {error: message => alert(message)} |
See config.js#L47 |
onSave | {Function} | (evt, formData) => {} |
See config.js#L52 |
onClearAll | {Function} | () => {} |
See config.js#L53 |
roles | {Object} | {'admin': 'Administrator', 'editor': 'Editor' } |
{ 1: 'Administrator'} |
showActionButtons | {Bool} | showActionButtons: false |
true |
sortableControls | {Bool} | sortableControls: true |
false |
stickyControls | {Object} | stickyControls: {enable:true, offset: { top: 5, bottom: 'auto', right: 'auto' }} |
stickyControls: {enable:true} |
templates | {Object} | Additional field templates | {} |
typeUserAttrs | {Object} | typeUserAttrs config | null |
typeUserDisabledAttrs | {Object} | typeUserDisabledAttrs config | null |
typeUserEvents | {Object} | typeUserEvents config | null |
Option | Type | Value(s) | Default |
locale | {String} | user's locale eg. 'pt-BR' | 'en-US' |
location | {String} | url of language directory | 'https://formbuilder.online/assets/lang/' |
extension | {String} | '.ext' | '.lang' |
preloaded | {Object} | {} |
{'en-US': {...}} |
As formBuilder usage grows so does it's need to be available in multiple languages. Additional and updates to existing languages are always welcome, see Contributing Languages for details.