A powerful library for paper platform
Updated at 2024.4.7: This library will only support the latest version as a private library
There is only three important sections in this library: command, gui and visual
visual includes tablist and scoreboard
Get the library instance
CandyLibrary library = CandyLibrary.getLibrary();
For example, you can get command service by the code below
CommandService commandService = library.getService(CommandService.class);
/* or */ CommandService commandService = CommandService.getService(); // Actually, the implementation of this method just execute the code above
How to use command service? Please check: CandyCommandAPI
I just integrated the CandyCommandAPI into CandyLibrary however added a lot of new argument types
You can get gui service by similar code
GuiService service = GuiService.getService();
Now we should get gui manager to create gui
GuiManager manager = service.getGuiManager();
Now in the gui manager, there are only two methods (maybe more in the future)
one is normal(int)
, the other one is anvil()
, they all return a GuiType object
with the GuiType object, you can create a gui initializer and initialize the gui
GuiType<NormalGui> normalType = manager.normal(4 /* This is how many lines the gui have, in [1,6] */);
NormalGuiInitializer initializer = normalType.create(plugin /* Requires a bukkit plugin object */);
NormalGui gui = initializer.title(Component.text("example title"))
Now we can open this gui to player, but before, we should get a GuiAudience object
GuiAudience audience = GuiAudience.getAudience(player /* bukkit player object */);
NormalGuiRenderer renderer = gui.prepare(player);
renderer.render(); // After invoking this, the player will see the gui