Manipulate OTTR Reasonable Ontology Templates in Python.
✅ Supported features:
- Definition and execution of templates in the stOTTR syntax
- Nesting templates
- Type checking
- Non blank, Optional and default values for template parameters.
- RDF and RDFS templates from the OTTR template library are loaded by default.
🔧 In development:
- Expansion modes
- Support for OWL templates from the template library
pip install ottr
Requirement: poetry (v0.12 or higher).
git clone
cd pyOTTR/
poetry install
The main class to manipulate is OttrGenerator
, which is used to load OTTR templates and expand template instances.
So, in practice, you only need to create a new generator, load some templates and then execute your instances to produce RDF triples.
Otherwise, everything else is done using classic OTTR syntax!
By default, all templates from the OTTR template library are loaded when the generator is created.
from ottr import OttrGenerator
# An OttrGenerator is used to load templates and expand instances
generator = OttrGenerator()
# Load a simple OTTR template definition
@prefix ex: <>.
ex:FirstName [ottr:IRI ?uri, ?firstName] :: {
ottr:Triple (?uri, foaf:firstName, ?firstName )
} .
ex:Person[ ?firstName ] :: {
ottr:Triple (_:person, rdf:type, foaf:Person ),
ex:FirstName (_:person, ?firstName)
} .
# Parse and prepare an instance for execution
instances = generator.instanciate("""
@prefix ex: <>.
# Execute the instance, which yield RDF triples
# The following prints (_:person0, rdf:type, foaf:Person) and (_:person0, foaf:firstName, "Ann")
for s, p, o in instances.execute(as_nt=True):
print("# ----- RDF triple ----- #")
print((s, p, o)