Script written by ChatGPT for gluing JPG&PNG images.
pip install pillow tqdm pillow-avif-plugin
USAGE: Drag and drop into the folder where the images to be glued are located and run .py
V1 - Simply glues JPG and PNG in 1 row
V2 - Changes the size of all JPG and PNG to the smallest of the incoming ones, glues images no more than 5 in 1 row, the rest are moved to the next row. Signs in the middle-bottom with a filename without a file extension
V3 - Changes the size of all images in the folder to the smallest of the incoming ones, glues images no more than 5 in 1 row, the rest are moved to the next row. Signs in the middle-bottom with a filename without a file extension. Deletes itself after completion.
V3.5 - Same as v3 but uses pillow version 10.