Stand Out with BentoLio The Ultimate Tool for Bento-Style Portfolios!
When envisioning BentoLio, I sought a technology stack that resonated with my principles of simplicity and efficiency. The TALL stack—Tailwind CSS, Alpine.js, Laravel, and Livewire—stood out as the perfect fit.
Tailwind CSS revolutionized my approach to UI design. Its utility-first framework empowered me to craft bespoke interfaces with ease, ensuring that every element on ReCode aligns with our unique aesthetic and functional vision.
Alpine.js emerged as the ideal solution for introducing interactivity within our platform. Its lightweight nature meant I could sprinkle rich, JavaScript-driven interactions without weighing down the user experience—a crucial factor for a platform that prioritizes speed and agility.
Laravel was a natural choice for the backbone of BentoLio. Its expressive syntax and robust features not only accelerated development but also provided a stable foundation for our platform to scale. Laravel’s vibrant ecosystem and its commitment to elegant code made it an indispensable ally in bringing BentoLio to life.
Livewire allowed me to blend server-side stability with front-end reactivity seamlessly. It simplified state management and made real-time updates a breeze, which is essential for a collaborative environment where developers share and manage code snippets in real-time.
Choosing the TALL stack was a deliberate decision to ensure that Survefy embodies the principles of developer-centric design. It’s a reflection of my commitment to building not just a platform but a community where innovation thrives without barriers.
When I'm designing a software first I visualize what would be the color palettes, fonts, typography and I'm also using the 8 point grid system for sizing, spacing, and laying out components relative to one another. This means that any padding, margin, button height, etc. is always a multiple of 8 pixels.
1.) Clone the Repository:
- Navigate to the directory where you want to clone the project.
git clone
2.) Navigate to the Project Directory:
- After cloning, move into the project directory
cd BentoLio
3.) Install Composer Dependencies:
- Run the following command to install PHP dependencies:
composer install
4.) Install NPM Dependencies:
- Run these commands to install JavaScript dependencies and compile assets:
npm install
npm run dev
5.) Set Up Environment File:
- Copy .env.example to .env
cp .env.example .env
- Open .env and configure your environment variables, such as APP_URL, database credentials, etc.
6.) Generate Application Key:
- Run this command to generate a new application key
php artisan key:generate
7.) Run Migrations:
- Set up your database and run migrations:
php artisan migrate
8.) Run the application servers:
- Use this two commands to start project
npm run dev
php artisan serve
- This will start a development server at http://localhost:8000.