Releases: CSCE315-Spring23/Team63_Project3_version2
Release_for_Project3_Sprint3: Working Application
We at W.F.H.D, we worked very hard to create a valid point of sales system for Cabo Grill.
Here is a break down for the SCRUM meetings for Sprint 2:
SCRUM Meeting 1 for W.F.H.D
Prepared by: Ayomide Fatoye
Meeting Date: 04/14/2023
Meeting Attendees
Garrett Guerrero
Connor Hill
Punit Nookala
Daniel Swei
Ayomide Fatoye
Meeting Agenda Items:
Discuss team restructuring
Discuss progress expectations for Sprint 2
Status Update Since Last Meeting
This section does not apply to the first meeting of the first Sprint
This section does not apply to the first meeting of the first Sprint
SCRUM Meeting 2 for W.F.H.D
Prepared by: Ayomide Fatoye
Meeting Date: 04/17/2023
Meeting Attendees
Garrett Guerrero
Connor Hill
Punit Nookala
Daniel Swei
Ayomide Fatoye
Meeting Agenda Items
The issues we encountered understanding the backend code
Current all-around progress on Sprint 2
Preparative discussion on backlog from Sprint 3
Status Update Since Last Meeting
Punit + Daniel was able to set up + run the backend server
Ayo wrote code to help connect the backend with the Manager screen
Connor + Garrett made progress on code for the Server + Menu screens
SCRUM Meeting 3 for W.F.H.D
Prepared by: Ayomide Fatoye
Meeting Date: 04/19/2023
Meeting Attendees
Garrett Guerrero
Connor Hill
Punit Nookala
Daniel Swei
Ayomide Fatoye
Meeting Agenda Items
The issues we are still encountering understanding the backend code
Current all-around progress on Sprint 2
Re-evaluation on what we would like to complete by the end of sprint 2
Preparative discussion on backlog from Sprint 3
Status Update Since Last Meeting
We finally made a one-way connection from the backend to the frontend
We completed most of the frontend for our entire product
What's Changed
- added the backend folder and the .gitignore file by @ravishshardhaHere in #1
- READ me file added to the main by @ravishshardhaHere in #2
- added folder for backend entities in backend folder by @ravishshardhaHere in #3
- added models folder and env files for flask by @ravishshardhaHere in #4
- updated gitignore by @ravishshardhaHere in #5
New Contributors
- @ravishshardhaHere made their first contribution in #1
Full Changelog: