This is Bootstrap Datepicker for Taiwan Year, to support format as "yyy/mm/dd" with "104年10月" titile format. 修改Bootstrap Datepicker來支援民國年,並且支援100年以前的099年或是99年的格式,只要在format指定為"yyy/mm/dd",也就是三碼的yyy,即可使用民國年的月曆。
This is a fork of Stefan Petre's original code; thanks go to him for getting this thing started!
Please note that this fork is not used on Stefan's page, nor is it maintained or contributed to by him.
Versions are incremented according to semver.
You can use the CloudFlare powered on your website.
bootstrap-datepicker on cdnjs
Please note: It might take a few days until a new version is available on cdnjs.
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Once you cloned the repo, you'll need to install grunt and the development dependencies using npm.
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install