It is an online platform to streamline the process of buying and selling items for UIUC students. This platform helps students create listings for items they want to sell. We aimed to address the inefficiencies of using Snapchat for buying and selling items.
- Khushi Patel: Worked on the authentication, homepage, cart and sidebar.
- Somya Srivastava: Worked on creating post route for item, adding images, fetch items, and backend for add to cart function.
- Ritsika Medury: Worked on frontend and styles for login, create and profile page.
- Anika Taneja: Worked on backend function to pull items, profile and messaging.
To update and install npm:
npm install -g [email protected]
To install vite:
npm install vite
To start the front-end server:
Navigate to client folder and enter this command:
npm run dev
To start the back-end server:
Navigate to server folder and enter this command:
npm run dev