Version 1.2
Changes in v1.2
Patient now extends Person
- Added implemented date of birth & Nric fields
- Made Phone, Address, Email fields optional
Teeth and Records are now tied to patients
Implemented Task tracking
Add/Edit/Delete Command
- Updated to match Patient instead of Person
Copy Command
- Supports warning system.
Export & Import Commands
- Appending is now possible
Implemented Task(add/edit/delete)
- Task functionality flow is implemented.
Find Command
- Implemented searching for all patient attributes
Sort Command
- Sorts according to each attribute type in either ascending or descending order
Stats Command
- Rudimentary stat report window opens up
New pane for user to view Tasks
Removed AB4 se-edu badges, added own team's to the README
Updated DeveloperGuide with new user stories, UserGuide updated to reflect new command functionality.