Team utilisation monitor is an application that is used by administractors, or employers, to monitor and manage teams and projects. Management features include, creating teams and projects, assigning those teams to projects, adding and removing team members, assessing team members, seeing the utilisation of all members and generally having an overview of the entire organisation's operations. Admins can also add skills, for members to take up on and the platform has a recommendation engine that generates teams based on specific criteria with respect to the project.
Demo 2
SRS Document Version 2
Architectural Requirements
User Manual
Coding Standard
Demo2 Pre-recording
Demo2 Live recording
Demo 3
SRS Document Version 3
Architectural Requirements
User Manual
Coding Standard
Technical Installation Manual
Demo3 Pre-recording
Demo3 Live recording Here
Demo 4
SRS Document Version 4
Architectural Requirements
Technical Installation Manual
User Manual
Testing Policy
Coding Standard
Demo4 Pre-recording
- Basic Folder structure
-> src Folder :The source code folder
-> .config Folder :local configurationin relation to setup on local machine.
-> .build Folder :Contain all scripts related to build process (Docker our case).
-> libs Folder
-> tools Folder :A convenient directory. contain task automating Scripts, i.e build and rename script.
- Git Special Files
-> .gitignore :List of blobs for to ignored by git.
- Special Files & Folders
->README File :WWH (What, Why, How) answers with regards to our project.
Feature :Represent a feature being worked on
Develop :Latest Working Code merged from features and Ready to be merge into main after thorough review
Main :Latest and working Realease