A nonlinear spectral core-periphery detection method for multiplex networks
This repository contains julia codes reproducing the numerical results presented in [Section 6, 1].
Paper: [1] K. Bergermann, M. Stoll, and F. Tudisco, A nonlinear spectral core-periphery detection method for multiplex networks, arXiv:2310.19697 (2023)
Version: All codes were tested with julia v1.4.1 on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS.
Packages: Standard libraries in julia v1.4.1:
- LinearAlgebra
- SparseArrays
- Random
- MAT v0.10.3
- Plots v.1.4.3
- ProgressBars v.1.5.0
This repository contains:
- LICENSE: GNU General Public License v2.0
- data: contains .mat files of the adjacency matrices of all networks considered in [1]
- plots: contains png files of spy plots of reordered adjacency matrices
Main script:
- MPNSM.jl: applies [Algorithm 4.1, 1] to specified multiplex network with specified parameters
- MPNSM_module.jl: contains data structure, the implementation of [Algorithm 4.1, 1], other functions called from the main script MPNSM.jl, and helper functions.
Authors: Kai Bergermann ([email protected]), Francesco Tudisco ([email protected])