daily practise questions
Contestant Name | Points |
Shazib Rahman | 55 🏅 |
Manoj Uppala | 13 🏅 |
NOTE : contestants should update the README with a link to their solutions beside the question and create a pull request. The best and first solution is merged.
day1 - 10/6/2020
- Two sum [ 🔵shaz][ 🔴manoj_0863]
- Remove duplicates from sorted array [ 🔵shaz][ 🔴manoj_0863]
- Find first and last position of element in sorted array [ 🔵shaz][ 🔴manoj_0863]
- Best time to buy and sell stock [ 🔵shaz][ 🔴manoj_0863]
day2 - 10/7/2020
- Rotate array [ 🔵shaz][ 🔴manoj_0863]
- Can place flowers [ 🔵shaz]
- Container with most water [ 🔵shaz]
- Word serach [ 🔵shaz]
day3 - 10/9/2020
- Add two numbers [🔵shaz]
- Remove nth node from end of list [🔵shaz]
- Merge two sorted lists [🔵shaz]
- Palindrome linked list [🔵shaz]
day4 - 10/11/2020
- Reverse linked list [🔵shaz][ 🔴manoj_0863]
- Convert binary number in a linked list to integer [ 🔴manoj_0863]
- Middle of the linked list [ 🔴manoj_0863]
day5 - 10/12/2020
- Valid parentheses [🔵shaz][ 🔴manoj_0863]
- Min stack [ 🔴manoj_0863]
- Remove all adjacent duplicates in string
- Decode string
day6 - 10/13/2020
- Daily temperatures [🔵shaz][ 🔴manoj_0863]
- Remove duplicates from sorted list 2
- Remove duplicates from sorted list [ 🔴manoj_0863]
day7 - 10/14/2020 (HackerRank)
- Kangaroo [🔵shaz]
- Climbing the leaderboard
- Reverse a doubly linked list
- Detect whether a linked list contains a cycle
day8 - 10/15/2020
day9 - 10/17/2020
- Plus one [🔵shaz]
- Number of students doing homework at a given time
- Trapping rain water
- Contains duplicates
day10 - 10/19/2020
- Maximum product of two elements in an array [🔵shaz][🔴manoj_0863]
- Median of two sorted arrays
- Unique paths
- Two sum 2 input array is sorted
day11 - 10/21/2020
- Maximum subarray [🔵Shazib_1]
- Climbing stairs [🔵Shazib_2]
- House robber [🔵shazib_3]
- Longest valid parentheses [🔵shazib_4]
day12 - 10/22/2020
- Longest palindromic substring [🔵shaz_1]
- Unique paths 2 [🔵shaz_2]
- Best time to buy and sell stock [🔵shaz_3]
- Is subsequence [🔵shaz_4]
day13 - 10/24/2020
- Min Cost Climbing Stairs [🔵shaz]
- Jump Game [🔵shaz]
- Best Time To Buy And Sell Stock II [🔵shaz]
- Minimum Path Sum [🔵shaz]
Day14 -11/1/2020
Day15 - 11/03/2020
Day16 - 11/05/2020