call-event-proto contains the event message model and service model written in .proto file. The proto file is used by protobuf to generate classes that are used to implement gRPC clients and servers. call-event-proto is intended to be used by, a prototype that will serve as a reference for implementing a distributed gRPC application together with Spring Boot, Docker and NGINX.
The generated class contains
- serializer and deserializer for the protobuf data
- data objects builders, setters and getters.
- grpc stubs(used by clients) and base service (a io.grpc.BindableService to be extended by service developer)
see the following links for details about protobuf and gRPC:
This project uses protobuf-maven-plugin (see to generate java sources from src/main/proto/*.proto
Install Java 1.8 SDK, Git, Maven 3:
Follow the following to build call-event-proto:
$ git clone
$ cd call-event-proto
$ mvn clean install
This should install call-event-proto jar file in your maven local repository.