Synthesizable implementation of a Cryptographic Coprocessor of the PRESENT Lightweight Block Cipher (supporting encryption and decryption, and both 80-bit and 128-bit keys), and some Hardware Trojans, using VHDL.
Simulation, Synthesis & Implementation was done using Xilinx's Vivado suite, targeting a Spartan 7 FPGA.
9 Functional Hardware Trojans were designed with various Triggering conditions and Payloads ranging from fault injection attacks, to disrupting the system's expected behaviour to DoS attacks.
Trigger | Payload | |
Trojan #1 | data_in = 0x1234ABBA5678DEED | Flip each Round Key's LSBit |
Trojan #2 | data_in(47:44) = K_13(17:14) | Disable Encryption Datapath |
Trojan #3 | data_in(3:0) = 1011 | Flip output mux select signal |
Trojan #4 | key(7:0) = data_in(7:0) | Disable ready output signal |
Trojan #5 | key(7:0) = 0x1A && mode_sel(1) = 0 | Replace input key with predefined key |
Trojan #6 | Timebomb: Completion of 2^10 operations | Disallow computed data from appearing on data_out |
Trojan #7 | Timebomb: 2^10 mode changes | Flip data_in LSBit |
Trojan #8 | Timebomb: data_in(59:56) = ciphertext(43:40) && mode_sel(0) = 0, 2^12 times |
Leak data_in |
Trojan #9 | Timebomb: ciphertext(63) = 0 for 2^15 times | DoS attack : raise system reset signal |