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Repository associated with https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-06682- 4 used to predict the temperature-dependent Gibbs energies of inorganic crys talline solids.
Also implemented in pymatgen (GibbsComputedStructureEntry) -- https://pymatgen.org/pymatgen.entries.computed_entries.html
440 compounds used for training and testing the SISSO-learned descriptor
dictionary of atomic masses (amu) {element : mass}
dictionary of experimental Gibbs energies (chemical potentials) for the elements {temperature (K) : {element : G (eV/atom)}}
contains class for implementing SISSO-learned descriptor; see comments within and arXiv link for details
Repository associated with https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-06682-4 used to predict the temperature-dependent Gibbs energies of inorganic crystalline solids.
This repository is mostly static to coincide with the cited paper. For updates since this paper, please see github.com/CJBartel/compmatscipy which contains a similar (and more up-to-date module).
440 compounds used for training and testing the SISSO-learned descriptor
dictionary of atomic masses (amu) {element : mass}
dictionary of experimental Gibbs energies (chemical potentials) for the elements {temperature (K) : {element : G (eV/atom)}}
contains class for implementing SISSO-learned descriptor; see comments within and arXiv link for details
structure file for Al2O3 from Materials Project to demonstrate use of descriptor