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SHRIMP: Sub ThUfromFormula

sbodorkos edited this page Oct 18, 2017 · 1 revision

SQUID 2.50 Sub: ThUfromFormula

The subroutine evaluates, on an analysis-by-analysis basis, the 232Th/238U, using the "built-in" expression for 232Th/238U specified by Task EqNum = -3.


ThUfromFormula(Std, SpotRow)

Mandatory variables

Std: Boolean input which dictates, for each specific invocation of ThUfromFormula, whether the analysis is that of a 'primary-ratio' reference material, or not.

SpotRow: Index number of the output-row, to which the value calculated by ThUfromFormula is to be written.

Definition of variables

Values of type Boolean

Values of type Integer
c, p, SpotRow

Values of type Double
MeanV, MeanVferr

The function of the subroutine is paraphrased as follows:

--Recalling that Std = -1 if TRUE, 0 if FALSE, use 
--p and c to define sheet/column for output, and then 
p = -Std  
c = piaTh2U8col[p]    
piSpotOutputCol = piaEqCol[Std, -3]  

The code proceeds, apparently without any error-check on the calculated value of MeanV:

EqnInterp Task.Eqns[-3], -3, MeanV, MeanVferr, 1, 1  
--Note that Calamari already does this arithmetic, without context  
--CFs fills the target cell 
--fsS converts double-precision number to string (not sure why)
CFs SpotRow, c, fsS(MeanV)  

There is, however, an error-check on MeanVferr, as follows:

If (Std = FALSE OR piaTh2U8ecol[1] > 0) AND  
  (MeanV <> SQUID_Error_Value) AND
  (MeanVferr <> SQUID_Error_Value)

  --CFs fills the target cell 
  --fsS converts double-precision number to string (not sure why)
  CFs SpotRow, c + 1, fsS(100 * MeanVferr)

End If  

End Sub  
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