Vereya provides api for control of agent in Minecraft. Mod is a fork of Malmo project. Vereya should work with Minecraft 1.18.+
run in project directory
./gradlew build
copy mod in mods directory:
cp ./build/libs/vereya-*.jar ~/.minecraft/mods/
now build python library
mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. && make
python library is in ./build/Malmo/src/PythonWrapper/
The library needs two environment varibles to be defined:
- MALMO_XSD_PATH pointing to the directory with xml schema files from Malmo project
- VEREYA_XSD_PATH pointing to ./src/main/resources/Schemas/
It can be place somewhere in $PYTHONPATH or to the directory of your script..
Vereya requires fabric loader and fabric api to installed. Please see instructions
api docs