Due Monday July 27th
Explore a dataset. That's right, like last week find some data online or use your own data and manipulate it and explore it to create some data summaries. You can look at that homework for a list of datasets. Make use of the major dplyr functions select(), mutate(), arrange(), group_by(), summarize(), count() or baseR equivalents (there isn't a good baseR equivalent for many of these functions though). If you are using a Rmd, think about making your table summaries and printing them nicely with knitr::kable() and still think about plotting some data.
I'm also providing a more traditional HW assignment, similar to HW02 this week if you are just wanting to have a more traditional assignment. It uses data from FiveThirtyEight to explore gun deaths from 2012-2014. See the HW04.Rmd file for details.