Publish all Car Data to MQTT
A too frequent refresh of the data can discharge your 12V starter battery of the car.
So use this Program at your own risk
This Program based on code from bdr99, and it may stop working at any time without warning.
- Set up your Car in the app.
- Create a second Driver for mz2mqtt.
Clone the git repository.
Create a virtual environment and install the requirements:
apt install python-virtualenv
cd mz2mqtt
virtualenv -p python3 ../mz2mqtt.env
source ../mz2mqtt.env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Then copy config_example.yaml to config.yaml an insert your data.
Start mz2mqtt:
cd mz2mqtt
source ../mz2mqtt.env/bin/activate
Or download the Docker Image
docker pull
Start the container with /usr/src/app/config.yaml mapped to the config file
docker run -d --name mz2mqtt --restart unless-stopped -v <YOUR_DIR/config.yaml>:/usr/src/app/config.yaml mz2mqtt:main
To trigger a manual refresh for one car, publish the following via MQTT:
(replace < VIN > with the VIN of the Car)
Date | Change |
26.04.2023 | Initial Version |
03.06.2023 | only one refresh at the beginning because risk of battery discharge |
08.06.2023 | refresh Data via MQTT |