Check for, and if required, install and/or import specified module(s) for use.
If modules are already installed and imported, no action is taken.
If modules are already installed but not imported, they are simply imported for use.
Note: Modules are installed and imported using the currentuser/local scope.
Supports specifying multiple module names via parameter or pipeline input.
Multiple module names specified by parameter should be comma separated.
If module names contains spaces, the name should be wrapped in quotes (e.g "Module Name").
Author : Patrick Cage ([email protected])
Version : 1.0.0 (2022-09-28)
License : GNU General Public License (GPL) v3
<string[]> The name(s) of module(s) to be installed and/or imported for use.
Use-Module "Module One"
Use-Module -ModuleName "Module One"
Use-Module "Module One", "Mondule Two", "Module Three"
Use-Module -ModuleName "Module One", "Module Two", "Module Three"
Website :
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