Collection of fully public domain libraries and assets for your programming pleasure.
Packaged especially for authoring programs to use SDL2! I wrote a quick "hello world" and implemented some basic functions.
Of note:
- A physics engine (chadphys.h, chade.h)
- A 6502 emulator (fake6502.h, fake65c02.h)
- the entirety of STB (stb*.c)
- a miniature rasterizing engine (api.h)
- An audio api (api_audio.h)
- A math library (3dMath.h)
- A GUI standard (openimgui.h)
- An audio manipulation library (resweep.h)
- A header file containing the default VGA palette if PCs from the 90s. (vga_pal.h)
- An OBJ file format parser which can parse "VC" color lines (tobjparse.h)
- A multithreading library (lockstepthread.h, tpool.h)
- An 8x8 font (font8x8_basic.h)
I have also included a public domain asset library for easy access.
this repository and everything in it is available to you under the terms of the CC0 (creative commons zero) license.
~~Let all that you do be done with love.~~