TODO: initialize the git environment
git init
TODO: "git clone" clones the file from the git repository to the directory that you are currently in (you may give it a new name in your directory, if you like).
git clone
TODO: add explanation
git status
TODO: add explanation
git add
TODO: add explanation
git commit -v
Show a breif description of changes to the repository.
My preference for a general overview is $ git log --graph --branches --remotes --pretty='format:%h %ad %an %d %s' --date=short
To restrict the range of commits shown, use $ git log <commit id>..<commit id>
git log
TODO: add explanation
git diff
TODO: add explanation
git show
TODO: add explanation
git checkout
TODO: add explanation
git reset HEAD
TODO: add explanation
git checkout --
TODO: add explanation
git revert
TODO: add explanation
git checkout -b
TODO: add explanation
git branch
TODO: add explanation
git branch -d
TODO: add explanation
git checkout
TODO: add explanation
git merge
TODO: add explanation
git remote -v
TODO: add explanation
git remote add
TODO: add explanation
git fetch
TODO: add explanation
git pull
TODO: add explanation
git push
- branch:
- check out:
- clone:
- commit:
- fork:
- index:
- master:
- remote:
- repository:
- staging area:
- tag:
- upstream:
- version control system (vcs):