This bundle add a service that can be used to filter object values based on annotations. Laminas filter old ZendFilters used for filtering.
Also bundle can filter your forms if it finds a annotated entity attached. If auto_filter_forms
enabled entities will be filtered before they are validated.
Laminas filters doc
composer config extra.symfony.allow-contrib true
composer require bukashk0zzz/filter-bundle
composer require bukashk0zzz/filter-bundle
Add the bundle to app/AppKernel.php
$bundles = array(
// ... other bundles
new Bukashk0zzz\FilterBundle\Bukashk0zzzFilterBundle(),
Add this to your config.yml
# Enable if you need auto filtering form data before constraint(Validation) check
auto_filter_forms: false
Bundle provides one annotation which allow filter fields in your entities.
Add the next class to the use
section of your entity class.
use Bukashk0zzz\FilterBundle\Annotation\FilterAnnotation as Filter;
Annotation @Filter
has one required option filter which value should be name of Laminas filter class.
It can be set like this @Filter("StringTrim")
or @Filter(filter="AppBundle\Filter\MyCustomFilter")
- in this example, must be class that extends \Laminas\Filter\AbstractFilter
Also there is one not required option options
- it must be array type and will pass to Laminas filter using setOptions
method from Laminas filter.
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
use Bukashk0zzz\FilterBundle\Annotation\FilterAnnotation as Filter;
* User Entity
class User
#[Filter(parameters: [
'filter' => 'StripTags',
'options' => ['allowTags' => 'br']
#[Filter(parameters: ['filter' => 'StringTrim'])]
#[Filter(parameters: ['filter' => 'StripNewlines'])]
protected $name;
#[Filter(parameters: ['filter' => 'StripTags'])]
#[Filter(parameters: ['filter' => 'StringTrim'])]
#[Filter(parameters: ['filter' => 'AppBundle\Filter\MyCustomFilter'])]
protected $about;
Use the bukashk0zzz_filter.filter
service along with annotations in the Entity to filter data.
public function indexAction()
$entity = new \Acme\DemoBundle\Entity\SampleEntity();
$entity->name = "My <b>name</b>";
$entity->email = " [email protected]";
$filterService = $this->get('bukashk0zzz_filter.filter');
return ['entity' => $entity];