This is a sample of a project using angular with angular Material, rails, and mongo db.
This are the things you need to prepare, or atleast install in your computer.
- node.js
- Ruby
- MongoDB
- Rails
- angular for the front end. check this documentation for setting it up on your local computer.
Optional but Recommended:
- Robo3T (formerly Robomongo) this is for managing the monngdo DB easily.
After Cloning the repository, you have to install some dependencies so that the project will work.
// in the sample-back folder is a rails project
// run this command to install gems
bundle install
// in the sample-front is a angular project
// run this command to install dependencies
npm install
To check the project and be able to learn from this project.
Run this command to serve the project in dev mode.
// sample-back
rails server
// sample-front
ng s