HaploMvc is a lighweight PHP development framework. It goal is to help you build clear, well structured web sites and applications. I've tried to make the implementation as simple and predictable as possible and have used phpdoc comments extensively to enable code completion functionality in PHP IDEs such as PHP Storm (my personal favourite).
- User/SEO friendly URLs based on regex pattern matching
- Basic built in protection for XSS via context specific escaping methods as well as helpers to prevent CSRF
- Fast PHP templating with support for inheritance and overridable regions
- Caching (file or memcached)
- Simple wrapper to PDO and a SQL Query Builder
- ActiveRecord library (in progress)
- Support for localisation
- A growing suite of tests (utilising PHPUnit)
HaploMvc uses a liberal BSD License (see LICENSE for conditions of use). HaploEscaper uses the Zend Escaper library which is licensed under the Zend Framework license (http://framework.zend.com/license)
The easiest way to install HaploMvc is via Composer.
Step 1: Install Composer (assuming you haven't already got it):
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
Step 2: Include HaploMvc
Step 3: Setup site directory structure