This project is a Connect 4 agent that uses a backend solver created in Rust and a frontend UI made with Vue.
Backend Solver:
- Implemented in Rust
- Uses the Minimax algorithm with optimizations such as Alpha-Beta pruning, Iterative Deepening, Move Ordering, Transposition Table, and Opening Database
- Provides efficient and intelligent move selection for the Connect 4 game
Frontend UI:
- Built with Vue.js
- Provides a user-friendly interface for playing Connect 4 against the agent
- Displays the game board, current player, and game status
- Allows users to make moves and interact with the game
To get started with the Connect 4 agent using Docker, follow these steps:
Clone the repository
Run docker compose:
$ cd connect4 $ docker-compose up
Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080 to access the Connect 4 game.
To get started with the Connect 4 agent, follow these steps:
Clone the repository
Build and run the backend solver (in webserver mode):
$ cd connect4/backend $ cargo run --release compiled_db.bin --webserver
In a new terminal, build and run the frontend UI:
$ cd connect4/frontend $ npm install $ npm run dev
Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080 to access the Connect 4 game.
Clone the repository
Build and run the backend solver:
$ cd connect4/backend $ cargo run --release compiled_db.bin
Heavily inspired by