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Stores the names of all systems/PCs that are known alongside this OS.
This name is obtained by querying the COMPUTERNAME
system variable on Windows systems and by querying hostnamectl hostname
on Linux and Unix systems.
Field | SQL Notes | Description |
System ID | Primary Key Autoincrement | Internal autoimncrementing ID |
System Name | String | Name of the system as defined above |
System OS | String | Name of the operating system |
This table is responsible for stroing all the files encountered by the application.
Field | SQL Notes | Description |
File ID | Primary Key Autoincrement | Internal ID for file tracking and deduplication |
System ID | Referenced from System Table | |
Drive Root Folder | String | Is the folder not the drive letter as it only works on Windows |
File Path | String | Full path to file including filename and extension |
Filename | String | Including the file extension |
Mime type | String | Stored as this may be require reading the entire file bytes |
File hash | String | Stored as this is hard to compute |
Note that the name file_name
is misleading as it can also refer to a directory. In that case, the file_mime_type
is directory
CREATE TABLE tbl_system (
system_name TEXT,
system_os TEXT
CREATE TABLE tbl_file (
system_id INTEGER REFERENCES tbl_system,
file_drive_root TEXT,
file_full_path TEXT,
file_name TEXT,
file_mime_type TEXT,
file_hash TEXT