home-end |
This package for emacs makes HOME/END keys smartly cycle to the beginning/end of a line, the beginning/end of the window, the beginning/end of the buffer, and back to POINT. With a prefix argument, behaves as functions `beginning-of-buffer’/`end-of-buffer’.
A first keypress moves POINT to the beginning/end of a line, or if already there, to the beginning/end of the window, or if already there, to the beginning/end of the buffer. Subsequent keypresses cycle through those operations until returning POINT to its start position. Invoking a PREFIX ARGUMENT prior to the keypress moves POINT consistent with PREFIX ARG M-x beginning-of-buffer / end-of-buffer.
Note that this is a total re-write of an identically-named package that had been bundled into debian’s `emacs-goodies-el’. In 2018, that package was marked for ‘retirement’ due to seeming “to need substantial maintainance and have no upstream home”[1]. The original version had been Copyright 1996 Kai Grossjohann and Toby Speight, and Copyright 2002-2011 Toby Speight, both under GPL3.
- Debian has expressed an interest in providing a debian package for this repository, along with that of my related `keypress-home-end` repo. Stay tuned.
- If you know of other distributions that make a similar decision, please let me know.
- Download the `.el` file to somewhere on your emacs `load-path`.
- Download the `.el` file of the dependency keypress-multi-event to somewhere on your emacs `load-path`.
- `load`, `require`, `use-package`, or evaluate the files’ contents, as you desire.
[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=759721#13
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- https://github.com/Boruch-Baum/emacs-keypress-multi-event
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