A comprehensive project that explores the various aspects of building web servers in Go. Through this endeavour, I aimed to gain a deeper insight into the different types of web servers, their functionalities, advantages, and disadvantages. In order to feel more real and practical the project simulates a simplified banking application and covers topics such as:
- server architecture, authentication mechanisms, gRPC implementation, gRPC gateway, asynchronous task execution, database interactions, CI/CD, Kubernetes orchestration
This is a list of topics that were the main focus of development, comparison and analysis:
HTTP Server Development with Gin Framework: A fully-functional HTTP server using the popular Gin Framework. To demonstrate real-world applicability, this server simulates a simplified bank application, complete with user management, transaction handling, and bank account management.
- code location -> /api folder
Flexible Authentication Layer: A modular authentication layer that leverages middleware and tokens. By employing interfaces, it can switch between alternative authentication methods. Notably, this project showcases the implementation of two exemplary options: JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens (PASETO). Also token IDs are persistently stored in the database, enabling efficient blacklisting if required.
- code location -> /auth folder
gRPC Server Implementation: A gRPC version of the Gin HTTP server to compare and understand the differences between the two approaches. Used protobuf files to define the server structure and interceptors for implementing the middleware functionality.
- code location -> /grpc + /proto folder
gRPC Gateway and Swagger Documentation: Exposed the gRPC server through HTTP using a gRPC gateway. Additionally, a Swagger Documentation UI is generated automatically when running the gateway server -> gateway_url/swagger/
- code location -> /grpc + /proto folder
Asynchronous Task Execution: Integrated asynchronous email sending using Redis Queue and the asynq library. Set up a separate server for processing queued tasks and utilize mailhog as development SMTP server.
- code location -> /async folder
Database Interactions with Postgres: Using Postgres as the database layer and leverage tools like sqlc for auto-generating Go code from SQL definitions. Handle database migrations using golang-migrate and implement database transactions for safe fund transfers and user creation.
- code location -> /db folder
Docker Containers for Easy Deployment: Simplify deployment by leveraging Docker containers. The project utilizes three containers to streamline the setup: one for the API, another for the Redis Workers responsible for asynchronous task processing, and a third for handling database migrations.
CI/CD with GitHub Actions: Upon triggering a workflow (push to main), automated tests are executed to validate the system's integrity. If successful, Docker images are built and pushed to the GitHub Container Registry. After that another worflow could be added that deploys them to Cloud Run or any other cloud container service.
Kubernetes Orchestration: Utilizes the Docker images generated through the CI/CD process. It contains definitions for:
- Deployments - for the API and Redis Workers
- Stateful Set - for the DB + executes migrations / Redis
- Ingress - for routing http to the Gin & Gateway server / For routing to the gRPC server
To install and run the project locally, please follow these steps:
Clone the repository and install dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/BogoCvetkov/go_masterclass
go mod download
Run the necessary services (requires Docker Compose):
docker-compose up redis db mailhog --build
Run db migrations (requires make to be installed):
make db-migrate-up DB_URL=your-postgres-url
Start the API's - HTTP + gRPC + Gateway:
make start-api
Start Redis workers - HTTP + gRPC + Gateway:
make start-workers
generate GO code from sql definitions:
make generate-models
create a new db-migration:
make db-new-migration MIGRATION_NAME=my_new_migration
run tests:
make test
generate grpc + gateway server from proto definitions:
make proto-generate