A self hosted Thumbnail generator/finder which creates thumbnails based on folder names and google search results.
This project uses the Google search api to find URL-s based on folder names. From there thum.io is used to generat thumbnails of the url-s.
docker create \
--name=thumba \
-e GOOGLE_SEARCH_CX=projectId \
-e THUM_KEY_ID=keyID \
-e THUM_KEY_SECRET=keySecret \
-e NEXT_PUBLIC_HOST=http://localhost \
-v /path/to/host/config:/app/config \
-v /path/to/host/thumbnail_folder:/app/video \
-p 10010:10010 \
--restart unless-stopped \
You can optionally set the port using NEXT_PUBLIC_PORT
You can optionally set the host using NEXT_PUBLIC_HOST
dont set the port here, just the IP, default is localhost it should match the host where you are accessing the service from.
Dockerhub: https://hub.docker.com/r/bokker/thumba/
You will need two API keys and a search engine project CX ID.
Google custom search API is used to find website results based on the folder names. Google has a 100 search per day free tier but the paid options should be fairly cheap also.
- sign up to https://programmablesearchengine.google.com/
- create a new project with access to the entire web
- grab the ID
- Enable the search API at https://developers.google.com/custom-search/v1/introduction and grab the GOOGLE_SEARCH_KEY
- (optional) Add billing account if more than free tier amounts needed at
This service is used to generate the images from the URLs. They provide a paid plan that includes 10000 images for 1$ a month
- sign up https://www.thum.io/signup
- add credit card
- generate a key at https://www.thum.io/admin/keys
- copy keyID and keySecret (not key name)
I'm open to contributions & suggestions in making this a lot better ✋