BLUESEA ROS2 driver is specially designed to connect to the lidar products produced by our company. The driver can run on operating systems with ROS2 installed, and mainly supports ubuntu series operating systems (18.04LTS-now). The hardware platforms that have been tested to run the ROS2 driver include: Intel x86 mainstream CPU platform, and some ARM64 hardware platforms (such as NVIDIA, Rockchip, Raspberry Pi, etc., which may need to update the cp210x driver).
Please ensure that the path does not contain Chinese characters, otherwise the compilation will fail!
1.Get the BLUESEA ROS driver from Github and deploy the corresponding location
mkdir bluesea2 //create a folder and customize it
cd bluesea2 //into this folder
git clone src //download the driver package and rename it to src
colcon build
3.Update the current ROS2 package environment
source ./install/
4.Using ROS2 launch to run drivers
sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0 (uart) // /dev/ttyUSB0 refers to the serial port name. If it is a serial/virtual serial port model, it needs to be authorized
ros2 launch bluesea2 [launch file] //The specific launch file description is as follows
explain:[launch file] refers to the configuration files in the src/launch folder, distinguished by functional categories
- uart_lidar.launch(clockwise/anticlockwise): lidar with serial port connection method
- udp_lidar.launch(clockwise/anticlockwise): lidar for UDP network communication
- vpc_lidar.launch(clockwise/anticlockwise): lidar with virtual serial port connection method
- dual_udp_lidar.launch(clockwise/anticlockwise): lidar with multiple UDP network communication(only one node)
- template: All parameter definition templates
- LDS-U50C-S(only).launch:Older lidars, data communication only
- LDS-U80C-S(only).launch:Older lidars, data communication only
Main parameter configuration instructions:
#ROS2# (mandatory parameter for the framework)
<param name="scan_topic" value="scan" />#Publish topic scan
<param name="cloud_topic" value="scan" />#Publish topic cloud
<param name="frame_id" value="map" />#Name of the flag coordinate system
#DATA# (driver-defined data level limiting parameter)
<param name="min_dist" value="0.01" />#Minimum point cloud distance (m)
<param name="max_dist" value="50.0"/>#Maximum point cloud distance (m)
<param name="from_zero" value="false"/>#Whether start angle is from 0 (false is 180).
<param name="output_scan" value="true" />#2D scan data (default)
<param name="output_cloud" value="false"/>#3D spatial data.
<param name="output_cloud2" value="false"/>#三维空间数据 输出格式2
<param name="output_360" value="true" />#Output by frame.
<param name="inverted" value="false"/>#Publish data angle parameter inverted(angle_min,angle_max,angle_increment).
<param name="reversed" value="false"/>#Publish data point cloud data reversed (row from last point to first point)
<param name="hard_resample" value="false"/>#hard_resample_factor(if lidar support this command)
<param name="soft_resample" value="false"/>#Soft resample coefficient (need point cloud larger than the minimum number of points for soft resample)
<param name="with_angle_filter" value="false"/>#Angle filter switch.
<param name="min_angle" value="-3.1415926"/>#Minimum available angle.
<param name="max_angle" value="3.1415926"/#Maximum available angle.
<rosparam param="mask1" >[-3.14,3.14]</rosparam>#mask data for angle in this interval
<param name="time_mode" value="0"/>#Timestamp source of packet (default 0 system time, 1 is lidar time synchronized time)
<! -- <rosparam param="mask2" >[-1,0]</rosparam-->#Multiple segments to mask the angle of the interval, mask upwards +1
#CUSTOM# (driver customization function)
<param name="error_circle" value="3"/># Judge the weight of the point with distance 0 Three consecutive circles.
<param name="error_scale" value="0.9"/># 90% of points with distance 0 in each circle will report error.
<param name="group_listener" value="false" />#Only used to listen to multicast data (need to change the upload address of lidar by host computer, and fix the upload, then this driver will listen to the data).
<param name="group_ip" value="" />#Listen to multicast ip.
#FITTER# (lidar different angular resolution parameters are different, need to be customized)
<param name="filter_open" value="true"/>#Filter enable switch.
<param name="max_range" value="20"/#Maximum range for filtering.
<param name="min_range" value="0.5"/>#Minimum range for filtering.
<param name="max_range_difference" value="0.1"/>#Physical range to judge the divergence.
<param name="filter_window" value="1"/>#Range of subscripts for judging outliers
#CONNECT# (parameter that drives the connection lidar)
<param name="type" value="udp" />
<param name="lidar_port" value="6543" />
<param name="local_port" value="6668" />
<param name="lidar_ip" value="" />
#GET# (the query command switch that the driver sends to the lidar)
<param name="uuid" value="-1" /> #Query lidar SN number, -1 no query, >=0 query
#SET# (set command switch that driver sends to lidar)
<param name="rpm" value="-1"/#Set lidar rpm (different models of lidar can support different rpm, specific check the manual of the model):-1 not set 600 900 ... Setting
<param name="sample_res" value="-1"/>#set angular resolution (different lidar models can support different angular resolution, check the manual of the model),-1 not set 0 original data 1 angular correction
<param name="with_smooth" value="-1" />#Set de-smooth point, -1 not set 0 off 1 on.
<param name="with_deshadow" value="-1" />#Set filtering, -1 not set 0 off 1 on
<param name="alarm_msg" value="-1" />#set alarm message, -1 not set 0 off 1 on
<param name="direction" value="-1"/>#Set direction of rotation(only used by lidar which support this command),-1 not set 0 off 1 on
source code locate at src/client.cpp start/stop rotate:
ros2 run bluesea2 bluesea_node_client scan start
arg1 is topic arg2 is action(start/stop)
switch defense zones:
ros2 run bluesea2 bluesea2_client scan switchZone 0
arg1 is topic arg2 is action(switchZone) arg3 is select zone id(0)
set rpm:
ros2 run bluesea2 bluesea2_client scan rpm 600
arg1 is topic arg2 is action(set rpm) arg3 is rpm value(600)
set heart check:
ros2 run bluesea2 bluesea2_client heart check 1
arg1 is service name arg2 is action(check) arg3 is print(1) / not print(0)
ros2 topic list
Get the topic list, the driver default topic name is /lidar1/scan
ros2 bag record /lidar1/scan
Start recording data.
The recorded file is named with a timestamp, to stop recording, CTRL+C in the current terminal
ros2 bag play packet name
Check the recorded packet in the path where the packet is stored, if it prompts failed connect master exception, then ros master first and then rosbag play.
Please contact the technical support ( through the official website for specific usage problems.