What's up everyone! This is a physics course which is title "PHYSICS 188B: Computational Physics and Astronomy Laboratory" held at UCLA which I took as an undergraduate.
The course description is such that it is a project-based course, with projects selected from core areas of classical mechanics, electrodynamics, quantum physics, statistical physics, and astronomy. Introduction to problems and to required numerical methods in lectures so students can write programs in one modern programming language of their choice (Python recommended) and carry out numerical experiments with it, with results documented in reports.
Please do look through some of the folders which have the assignments/homeworks in PDF given from the teacher to complete, my reports coded in LaTex and exported as a PDF with some of them being in a two-column APS style, and my assignments both in python (.py) and jupyter notebook (.ipynb) files.
Any questions or comments are highly appreciated! Thanks, and enjoy looking through my files!