- Utilize fundamental visualization functions and user-friendly interactive tools for manual annotation of spots.
- Identify spots proximate to tumors and categorize them into specific groups.
- Estimate the score of immune cell infiltration in spots and compare the score difference between specific tumor spots and adjacent spots.
- Enable the computation of transcriptional heterogeneity within samples.
- Facilitate communication analysis between specific tumor spots and adjacent spots.
- Execute spatially resolved niche classification and calculate the infiltration of characteristic cells in the micro-ecotype.
The majority of functions within this software package are designed to accommodate multiple samples. However, for the purpose of clarity and convenience, we demonstrate the functionality using a single sample in this instance.
tissue <- Load10X_Spatial(data.dir = 'example/tissue1/',
filename = 'Visium_FFPE_Human_Breast_Cancer_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5')
tissue[["percent.mt"]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(tissue, pattern = "^[MT-]")
tissue <- SCTransform(tissue, assay = "Spatial", verbose = FALSE)
#VlnPlot(tissue, features = c("nCount_Spatial","nFeature_Spatial","percent.mt"), pt.size = 0.1) + NoLegend()
#tissue<- subset(tissue, subset = nFeature_Spatial > 200 & nFeature_Spatial <8000 &
# nCount_Spatial > 1000 & nCount_Spatial < 40000 & percent.mt < 20)
tissue <- RunPCA(tissue, assay = "SCT", verbose = FALSE)
tissue <- FindNeighbors(tissue, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:30)
tissue <- FindClusters(tissue, verbose = FALSE,resolution = 0.9)
tissue <- RunUMAP(tissue, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:30)
tissue <- RunTSNE(tissue, dims = 1:30)
cols <- c('#0083c4','#ffdd00','#6aa692','#c27874','#ffaabf','#ffa500','#97cf16',
p1 <- HexSpatialPlot(object = tissue,group.by = 'seurat_clusters',color = col,
legend = 'top',plot.image = T)
p2 <- HexSpatialPlot(object = tissue,group.by = 'seurat_clusters',color = col,
legend = 'top',plot.image =T,size = 1.4,alpha = 0.3)
p3 <- HexSpatialPlot(object = tissue,group.by = 'seurat_clusters',color = col,
legend = 'top',plot.image = F,size = 1.5)
p1 <- HexSpatialPlot(object = tissue,group.by = 'KRT18',
legend = 'top',plot.image = T,size = 1.2)
p2 <- HexSpatialPlot(object = tissue,group.by = 'KRT18',
legend = 'top',plot.image = F,size = 1.5)
The categorization presented herein is informal and is solely employed for illustrative purposes.
celltype <- c("Tumor0"=c(5,6,9,11,12,13),
) %>% as.data.frame()
celltype %<>%mutate(celltype=str_split(rownames(celltype),'0',simplify = T)[,1]) %>%
rownames_to_column(var = 'dele') %>% select('celltype','.') %>%
column_to_rownames(var = '.')
[email protected]$celltype='NA'
for(i in 1:nrow([email protected])){
index=as.character([email protected]$SCT_snn_res.0.9[i])
[email protected]$celltype[i]=celltype[rownames(celltype)==index,1]
We have developed an R Shiny application to facilitate precise spot annotation. R Shiny enables the mapping of gene expression levels and meta-information to aid in the manual annotation process. Spot annotations are presented in the first line, and the selected information for display is showcased in the second line. The label color corresponds to the color bar.
tissue <- SpotAnnotation(object = tissue,celltype_var = 'celltype')
We suggest configuring the transparency of points to 0 and selecting either shape 1 or 16 for points, followed by manual annotation. In addition to referencing the expression values of specific marker genes, we advocate considering the malignancy score computed by spaCET as an additional reference for correction.
Following the annotation of the spots, subsequent steps involve tumor grouping and the identification of adjacent spots.
The sequence of the procedure requires the initial creation of tumour groups. When our study relies on gene expression for grouping, the most straightforward approach is to group all spots directly without the need to calibrate the grouping information for non-tumour spots. Information from non-tumour spots is ignored in the process.
tissue$group <- ifelse(tissue@assays$SCT@data['MKI67',]>0,'MKI67_pos','MKI67_neg')
tissue <- SpotSweeper(tissue,group_var = 'group',celltype_var = 'celltype',
tumor_name = c('Tumor'), nearby_name = c('Fibroblasts'))
Visualization for result
col2 <- c('#6d419c','#f8766d','#d7ebff','#cab3d6','#ffc0cb','#cccccc','grey69')
p1 <- HexSpatialPlot(object = tissue,group.by = 'Sweeper_type',color = col2,
legend = 'top',plot.image = F,size = 1.2)
p2 <- HexSpatialPlot(object = tissue,group.by = 'MKI67',
legend = 'top',plot.image = F,size = 1.2)
This assertion holds true not only for gene sets related to immune cells but extends to other gene sets as well, contingent on the objectives of the research.
tissue <- CellScore(object = tissue,method = 'AddModuleScore',genelist = NULL)
tissue <- CellScore(object = tissue,method = 'ssGSEA',genelist = NULL,parallel.sz = 4)
p1 <- HexScorePlot(object = tissue,ScoreType = 'ssGSEA',
type = 'Activated_CD8_T_cell',legend = 'top')
p2 <- HexScorePlot(object = tissue,ScoreType = 'AddModuleScore',
type = 'AddModuleScore_Activated_CD8_T_cell1',legend = 'top')
DeScore <- DeScore(object = tissue,ScoreType = 'ssGSEA',hide.ns = T,
ctr.group = ctr.group)
heterogeneity <- Heterogeneity(object = tissue,TumorName = 'Tumor',celltype_var = 'celltype')
heterogeneity <-as.data.frame(heterogeneity)
SpotChat(object = tissue,subSample = 'tissue1',cores = 8,
json.path = '../data/DataSource/ST-tissue1/outs/spatial/scalefactors_json.json')
Cluster_p <- NicheKmeans(object = tissue,ncol = 2)
Ecotype_P <- NicheCluster(object = tissue,centers = 6,
color = c("#87ceeb" ,'#ffa8ad' ,
NichePlot <- NicheCalculate(Ecotype_P = Ecotype_P)
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