Version: 6.0
Deployment date: 22/03/2024
1. Schedule page
Business Value
Allows user to create schedules for the future workouts. User can add both schedulings for activities in connection with certain goal fulfillment and for any other workouts. Opportunity to edit and delete schedule cards is provided.
2. Workout page*
Added new capabilities for the users:
- Adding workouts manually
- Filtering of workout history
Business Value
With new added web form, user can create workouts manually. This secures independence from 3d party fitness apps for those users who prefer tracking their activities in LIME app.
Also, subnavigation of the page provides more customized approach to displaying workout history - allows user to filter workouts by year and activity
- #437 - Add a form for adding workouts manually
3. Followings page
Business Value
Social media feature - allows user to find their future followings among persons who joined LIME. With this page user can smoothly navigate to the Public personal page of another user, follow and unfollow, and reach the chat with a certain user.
4. Chat Page
Business Value
As a social media feature allows users to write and send messages to their followings, review history of chats, easily find chat with certain following or follower using chat filter.
Also, user is provided an opportunity to chat with AI-based (Chat GPT 3.5) personal assistant. Аssistant has access to the profile information of the user, so that it can provide personalized fitness recommendations.
- #399 - Add chat with users
- #398 - Add chat with AI
- #407 - Add navigation to chat with certain user
- #518 - Add filtering by friends on chats page
5. Notifications
Business Value
Allows users to stay updated about: obtained achievement with information about it; being followed by another user; upcoming workout scheduled in LIME (displayed an hour before planned start of activity).
- #401 - Add notification about new achievement
- #397 - Add Notification about being Followed
- #540 - Add notification about achievement Joining Lime
- #402 - Add schedule notification about planned workout
6. Goal and achievement calculation
Business Value
With this feature fulfillment of the user's goal is tracked according to existing workouts and displayed on the Goals page.
Also, the user's progress towards obtaining a new achievement is calculated, as a result new achievement is displayed on the Goals page as soon as the user gets it.
- #198 - Add automatic calculation for goals and achievements
7. Overview page*
*added backend integration with earlier implemented frontend
Business Value
Provides a convenient dashboard that allows users to review their daily workout statistics, current schedulings, history of goals, current goals progress, comparative workout statistics (weekly, monthly, annually).
- #349 - Replace mocked data in Home page with real one
8. Personal information page - agreement to public private details
Business Value
Allows user to decide and choose if he/she wants to public profile details about age, weight, height on his Public profile page.
- #435 - Enhancement: Public profile page should optionally contain private info - weight, height, age
Bug fixes:
- #467 - BUG: Elements of Overview page don't adapt to the screen on tablet and mobile screens
- #469 - BUG: The goals page is not displayed fully on smaller screens
- #470 - BUG: Public profile page responsivity issues
- #471 - BUG: The user's subscription is not displayed at the top of the page
- #452 - BUG: User can't save valid date of birth on Personal information page
- #550 - BUG: Words for goal frequency in Set new schedule modal are displayed without spaces
- #484 - BUG: There are no available authorizations for private endpoints in Swagger
- #450 - BUG: The "Crop your avatar" window is opened after user chooses the file of incorrect format when uploading the avatar
- #463 - BUG: Workout card for walking activity displays 0 km when distance > 0, steps = 0, provider null
- #465 - BUG: Notification pop-over blinks when clicking on unread message
- #365 - BUG: The loading icon is not centered on the Goals page
- #525 - BUG: Icons on Activity widgets on Overview and Public profile page have different colors
- #549 - BUG: Achievements of the user are not displayed in chat User card
- #562 - BUG: When user updates profile, removing the name, fullName is saved with value ""
- #560 - BUG: @ before email is displayed in notification about being followed
- #582 - BUG: Responsive sidebar
- #587 - BUG: User not leaving current chat on the small screen
- #575 - BUG: Personal information page is partially displayed on mobile screens
- #544 - BUG: Chat with previous user is opened when user clicks on message button on Friends page
- #563 - BUG: Sent in chat message is not displayed until user switches to the chat with another user
- #564 - BUG: User can't navigate to previous page, being on chat Page with opened chat with certain user, when clicks on Back button in browser
- #567 - BUG: Application error is displayed when user navigates to chat page
- #543 - BUG: New chat is added each time user clicks on message button on Public profile page or Friends page
- #545 - BUG: Wrong redirection after clicking on View all link in chat Users card
- #553 - BUG: Points near subnavigation are rounded with black after clicking in light mode
- #542 - BUG: Color of Set the new goal button on Goals page and Set the new schedule on Schedule page don’t match Typography
- #519 - BUG: Fix issues with relations
- #463 - BUG: Workout card for walking activity displays 0 km when distance > 0, steps = 0, provider null
- #499 - BUG: User is not redirected to Sign in page if he tries to open page under protected routing
- #481 - BUG: User can't navigate to the previous page, if he is on Workout page and clicks on Back browser button
- #495 - BUG: Long emails or names on user's card on Friends page don't fit the card
- #485 - BUG: Application error is displayed on Friends page after clicking on user's card
- #530 - BUG: Fix deploy
- #496 - BUG: Cards of users, signed up with Google, are displayed with broken layout on Friends page
- #527 - BUG: There is no Friends navigation button in sidebar
- #452 - BUG: User can't save valid date of birth on Personal information page
- #490 - BUG: Loader is displayed near Notifications icon when user removes notification
- #511 - BUG: Scroll is not displayed on Friends page when content doesn't fit screen
- #494 - BUG: Notification pop-over is not closed when clicking on browser Back button
- #491 - BUG: Content of Find friends tab on Friends page is not centrally located
- #467 - BUG: Elements of Overview page don't adapt to the screen on tablet and mobile screens
- #520 - BUG: Fix error on staging
- #465 - BUG: Notification pop-over blinks when clicking on unread message
- #493 - BUG: The height of the ads banner is too small on the Overview page
- #524 - BUG: The "No goals yet" text is displayed when user has goals
- #487 - BUG: User is not redirected to login page when token expires
- #565 - BUG: The empty error is displayed when trying to upload an image
- #170 - Add mandatory complexity requirements for passwords
- #366 - Make distance or duration the mandatory field for adding a new Goal
- #551 - Add date on schedule cards on Schedule page
- #523 - Change images into screenshots of the real app and update resources in footer on the Landing page
- #517 - Add date and time to items in notifications pop-over
- #512 - Сhange the pagination limit on Friends page to a multiple of 4
- #154 - Prevent User leave page without Saving changes
- #170 - Add mandatory complexity requirements for passwords
Other tasks
- #244 - Add Subnavigation menu for small screens
- #541 - Update DB diagram
- #468 - Add description for subscriptions
- #513 - Add opportunity to Follow/Unfollow on Public profile page
- #492 - Remove Help button from sidebar
- #107 - Integrate storybook
- #460 - Add email template into SendGrid
- #590 - Release 6.0.0